Chapter 5: A perfect balance of danger and charm...The Beast!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Loup (Wolf) de Stan

Video: Dwɛ by Mr. Drew & Krymi ft. Sarkodie

Dedicated to barebody



"Oh shit." It was a tiny whimper.

But that was all it took. The wolf paused, its teeth still bared. What he'd just heard was a sound of fear. He focused on his mate's face and immediately felt himself go weak at the look of absolute terror on that face. The urge to deliver that all-important bite drained out of the wolf instantly. But one thought raced through his mind... Why was he so terrified?

'Because he thinks he's your next meal, you fool', his human growled inside him.

'But why would I want to devour him? He's my mate.' The wolf sounded surprised.

'He doesn't know that, Scooby.'

'Don't call me that.' The wolf growled, making his mate squeeze his eyes shut. 'He has to know I mean him no harm.' He sounded very worried.

'And how is he to know that, ya stupid mutt?' Stan scoffed. Even though his wolf was stronger than he was, he could always argue with him to his heart's content. Whether that stubborn wolf would take whatever he had to say was, however, up to the wolf.

'How can I make him know?' The wolf flicked his tongue against his mate's cheek in an effort to calm him down. And that was when he heard him speaking...

"I know you're a beast and can't understand a word I'm going to tell you." Will was saying shakily. "But I'll say it anyway. It is obvious you mean to kill me. I wish that wasn't so but what can I do. Know what's killing me right now? It's the ridicule I'm going to face...or should I say my memory is going to induce from my silly friends. They will have a good laugh if they hear I've been mauled to death by a wolf. A frigging wolf!"

'What the fuck!' The wolf stared, totally lost. His mate sounded as though wolves were nonentities.

Will saw the wolf looking at him, almost as if he was listening to him. He knew he was only biding his time, relishing the moments before he ripped into his meal but at least till those huge teeth sunk into him, he could pretend the deadly animal could hear him.

"You see, I've always loved wolves. Had pictures of wolves plastered all over my room growing up. My mother thought it was a phase. But I never grew out of it. So you see...I'm on your team. Killing me would be a form of betrayal. But the ridicule! Just imagine the inscription on my tombstone: Here lies Ian Williams, the wolf lover...Killed by a wolf. Fucking hell! Those idiotic pals of mine will have a field day. Please spare me that. Don't kill me."

Stan's wolf found his mate's request so ridiculously funny he brought out his huge tongue and licked his face again.

"Oh fuck, cut out that shit, Judas." Will groaned shakily making Stan burst into laughter inside his wolf.

'He gave you a new name. Judas!' Stan's laughter annoyed his wolf and made him growl again which frightened Will.

"Oh please..." He gasped. "You will hate my meat. Trust me, I'm not tasty at all." Will pleaded.

'Wanna bet?' The wolf thought, totally amused.

"I'm sure you can catch some tasty squirrels if you look around."

The wolf suddenly rolled Will onto his side and ripped off his holster which held his pistol and flung it beyond reach. Then he moved off Will to lie beside him. He knew those bullets wouldn't do anything to him since they were not silver bullets. But he didn't want his mate shooting him and wondering why he wasn't dying.

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