Chapter 8: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Mystery Lady!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Alyssa Milano as.... Mystery lady

Video: Time to Party by Flavour

Dedicated to ibktemi



In the days that followed, their schedules went back to normal. Both men were back to their rigorous training routines so barely had time for other things. They however spent whatever free time they had together. Per the training schedule, the recruits were to be trained in knife combat. It was a very important part of the training of any Arrowhead because knowing how to wield a knife could save a life. So for that, Stan had engaged an expert to handle the recruits. A friend had agreed to do that for him as a personal favour.

Will had just finished giving a short lecture on the importance of knowing how to handle a knife when Stan's phone rang. Immediately after he said hello, a brilliant grin split his lips.

"Of course, I've missed you." He laughed softly, making Will turn to give him a curious look. "Aw cut the crap."

Stan opened a file and scanned through its contents as he spoke so he didn't see the reaction of the men standing around. But he heard the collective intake of breath from the men and literally felt the hush. He also noticed that the voice on the phone somehow sounded louder and seemed to be coming from behind him. Stan raised his head and realized everyone was staring behind him. Hell, some of the recruits were virtually drooling.

"What's going on?" He muttered as he turned to look behind him. His grin became even wider. He didn't end the call but continued speaking. "You know how to make an entrance don't you?" He started forward. A completely bemused Will fell into step beside him.

"I sure do." A lady of about twenty-five who was at that very moment speaking on phone whilst strutting with classy confidence towards Stan laughed delightedly.

The dark-haired beauty looked like she'd stepped out of a page in the Vogue magazine. She was wearing a simple but elegant black, low-neck, sleeveless jumpsuit which showed a hint of her perky creamy breasts and showed off her generous curves. The six-inch high maroon heels she was rocking perfectly complemented her outfit. Her long dark hair fell down her back like a waterfall, flowing behind her as she moved. And her face...that chiseled chin, high cheekbones, and dark eyes gave her a sophisticated look but those long lashes, which were actually natural, added a touch of innocence. Her flawless makeup only enhanced her beauty even more. She was a stunner! But her ability to captured people's attention went beyond her looks. She had an aura around her that always drew all eyes to her anytime she entered a room. She was born with it!

"Who is she?" Will asked, his gaze fixed on the gorgeous lady coming towards them.

"She's the one coming to handle the...knives." Stan couldn't contain his amusement.

"What? But she's a... Isn't she a model or something?" Will stuttered, totally confused. "I thought we were expecting a guy. G. Jilani."

"Gaia Jilani. And she's a badass."

"Damn right I am." Gaia laughed as she walked straight into Stan's arms, both finally disconnecting their lines.

"Fuck, it's good to see you." Stan couldn't suppress his delight as he picked up and twirled the sexy lady around.

From the day Gaia, the sassy vampire, and her brother, mother, and some other members of her family landed on Stanwood Pack to claim the son of his friend Jeremy, the two of them had become great friends. Whilst Gaia had adored his craziness, Stan had admired her sassiness and mischief. Gaia sometimes spent her weekends with Stan in any of his hotels, partying and having endless fun. One would have thought someone his age couldn't possibly hit it off with someone who was over a hundred-years-old but the mutual respect and fondness they had for each other went beyond age. Gaia was also a frequent visitor to Stanwood Pack. She loved to spend time with little Sylver, Jeremy's son who was her brother's mate since her brother couldn't be around his mate until he was older. Sylver adored Gaia.

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