Chapter 13: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Listen To The Heart!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Stan the sexi Werewolf

Video: Save the Last Dance for Me...performed by Brian and Justine (just because I adore these two)

Dedicated to i_am_Midnight1 (Congratulations darling. Proud of you!)



Will stared down at the grey chinos in his hand. It was Stan's. He missed the annoying idiot so much. Stan had respected his wishes and stayed away but as agreed, he'd made his presence felt through his messages. Will had gotten used to reading from him so much he virtually lived for Stan's messages. Stan was usually careful not to talk about the supernatural. He would ask Will about his night, what he'd eaten, his plans for the day, and then tell him what he'd also been up to.

Sometimes Will got so mortified and angry at the level of deceit he'd unknowingly endured in Ghana he wished he could wrap his fingers around Stan's neck and squeeze the life out of him. Anytime he got that upset, he would either ignore Stan's messages or give monosyllabic answers. But other times he would chat politely. He honestly didn't have a lot of questions for Stan. Maybe that was because Gaia had already answered most of his questions. In hindsight, she had given him all that information on purpose, Will realized. And for that, he was grateful. He knew he had to talk to Stan soon but he wasn't looking forward to that talk at all. Maybe he would be better off talking to others about it. But who?

The soldier folded the chinos and placed it in the side of his closet which he'd subconsciously assigned to Stan. He found himself refolding and rearranging the few clothes that belonged to Stan whenever he missed him. The werewolf hadn't taken anything with him when he'd left his mother's home a week earlier. Will hadn't bothered sending them to him either because he hadn't wanted to. A day after he'd asked Stan to give him some time to think, Will had left his mother's house for his condo. It felt good to be back home. He'd initially resumed work but then had decided to extend his leave when he realized he couldn't stop thinking about Stan and the wolf. It was a major distraction and since in his line of work there was no room for distractions, he thought an extension would be ideal.

Will heard his phone ringing in the living room as he was folding Stan's black polo shirt. He flung the shirt on his shoulder as he left the bedroom for the living room. It was Jackson.

"Hey, had enough rest?" Will asked as he flopped onto the couch. Jackson had arrived in the States the day before.

"Think Jean will allow me to get any?" Jackson yawned, drawing a chuckle from Will. "Wanted to come over." They needed to work on a joint report.

"I'll be passing through so don't bother. Get some sleep," Will said. "Unless of course you've missed the place and so want to visit." Jackson used to live in the same complex as Will until he'd gotten married and moved in with Jean.

"Sleep sounds better right about now." He yawned again.

"Fucking rabbits." Will snorted. "I plan to go to the party from there." The admiral was throwing a party for his partner, Anton's birthday. "So expect me in the next four hours."

"Great. See ya."

Will hung up and relaxed into the seat. The admiral had been planning that party for months so it wouldn't be prudent not to show up. He'd planned on going to see Jackson before the party because they had work to do. Will also felt he needed to answer Jackson's queries about him and Stan as he'd been too angry and preoccupied with his mother's death to give him answers back in Ghana. He sure as hell didn't plan on telling his friend about anything supernatural. Hopefully, Jackson would be able to help him put some things into perspective.

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