Chapter 4: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Eyes On You!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Stanislav with his killer eyes

Video: Boasty by Wiley ft Stefflon Don, Sean Paul & Idris Elba

Dedicated to miZchi3vous



Will closed the door softly behind him and headed for the entrance of the Jungle Warfare School. A naughty smile played around his lips as he went. He really hoped Rosanne would make a breakthrough that night. That was the third time he'd sneakily left her and Stan together. She'd vowed to set a perfect mood that evening and work her wiles on the hunky instructor. He didn't know whether Stan had caught on to what he was doing yet but he hoped it was working.

He'd arranged with Rosanne to come to their suite every evening after supper to hang out with them. Stan usually came back from his run to find them either watching TV or playing video games. He would usually join them after his shower to play and chat. But Will always made sure he left the two together by giving any silly excuse that came to mind.

That evening, he'd told them he had to make a call and left the suite quietly to go and visit Akua. He'd decided he might as well go and give her the gift he'd brought her. He knew that Robert and Sarkodie, his military pals would be disappointed because they were looking forward to seeing the shocked delight on Akua's face when she finally saw him. Well, too bad. Apart from the fact that he didn't really have anything to do right then, he wanted those two he'd left in the suite to have some alone time. He was doing his bit. The rest was up to Rosanne.

"Yes Sir." One of the military police stationed at the main entrance of the school grinned at Will.

"Charlie. All good?" Will shook the soldier's hand and snapped his fingers like he'd been taught. Ghanaians sure did have a very interesting handshake. And his name was really not Charlie. In Ghana, Charlie meant buddy.

"All good, Charlie." The soldier looked pleasantly surprised. "Going to town or just picking a stroll?" He asked as Will shook the hands of the other two guys on duty.

"Taking this to someone in town." Wil shook the carrier bag he was holding. "It's a beautiful night isn't it."

"It is, Sir." One of the other two responded. "Want me to escort you?" He asked eagerly.

"No, I'll be fine. I know my way around town. And the name is Will."

"Nice to meet you, Will. I'm Kofi. He's Nii." The soldier pointed at one of the other two. "And that's Owusu."

"Kofi, Nii, and Owusu." Will repeated, drawing chuckles from the soldiers. "Nice to meet you all. I'll be back soon."

With a wave, he went on his merry way.


"Enough." Rosanne laughed as she relaxed into the couch. "You're such a liar. You said this was the first time you were playing this particular game."

"It is." Stan threw his control pad onto the center table and relaxed beside Rosanne. "But I've played enough video games in my life so..." He shrugged.

"Shouldn't you allow a lady to win once in a while though?" She murmured, batting her lashes at Stan jovially.

"You mean like Will does?" Stan chuckled. "He's a gentleman. I'm not."

"Really?" Rosanne laughed softly, pinning Stan with a sultry look. "Could have fooled me. You've been nothing but a gentleman since we met."

"And it's killing me." Stan groaned. "Permission to act crude once in a while, ma'am."

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