Chapter 11

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"You did WHAT?!?" My sister screams at me on the phone. Aaliyah has known about my love for Camila since before I even knew it myself. Between her and my parents, they figured out I was smitten for the one girl I've always wanted, and now; may never be able to have. They watched me go through college adoring her from a distance.

"Shawn! I can't believe you. Why couldn't you just be like every other normal guy and tell her how you feel?! A bet? Really?" She shrieks on the phone. "No wonder she doesn't want anything to do with you. What an asshole Shawn!"

I'm standing outside the old warehouse looking building where the photo shoot is happening talking on the phone with the only other woman in my life that would have my balls for doing something so stupid.

"I'm sorry Liyah...I just...I don't know what I was thinking" I sigh, now pacing back and forth down the sidewalk.

"I'll tell you what you were thinking!" She yells. "You were thinking with your dick and not your brain" she huffs. "Ughhhhh brother, I CANNOT believe you!!" She groans in anger. "Just wait until mom and dad find out. Your ass will be on the first flight back to Canada!" She cries.

"Liyah please, calm down. I want to try and fix this. That's why I called you" I tell her.

"Shawn, I don't know if it can be fixed. It sounds to me like Harry Styles isn't going anywhere and they have a history" she replies.

"You don't think I don't know that!!" I yell, the urge to chuck my phone growing stronger every minute. "I just need you to tell me what to do! I need to get Camila back."

"You know I can't tell you what to do Shawn! You are going to have to dig yourself out of this mess on your own" she says with finality in her voice. "I love you bro, but it's going to take time to fix what you've done and you need to prepare yourself for the chance that you may never get to fix it" she sighs.

"I know" I say lowly. "I just don't know what to do to make her see how sorry I am and that I don't even care about the bet anymore!" I cry.

I hear her take a deep breath on the other end and let out a long, disappointed sigh. "Shawn, the only advice I can give you is to be honest. Tell her how you really feel. Simply. Nothing too extravagant; but just enough to help her realize that you're an idiot in love with her. Beyond that, I don't know what to tell you" she says.

I nod as if my sister can see me, before saying, "I understand Liyah. I'm so sorry to have disappointed you" I sigh sadly. "It's okay Shawn, just go fix it. Get your girl! And then bring her home to Canada because it's been too long since we've seen her!"

"I'm going to try sis. I really am. Love you!" I say.

"Love you too fool" she chuckles before we hang up and I pocket my phone and head back into the building, a somewhat renewed sense of confidence coursing through me.

When I return, I see that Camila has changed yet again and now her and Harry are almost matching. The photographer is looking at the computer screen as the photos from the day display one by one. After another two hours and more shots of Harry we're finally done. As Camila goes to grab her things, I attempt to grab her arm gently.

"Camila, can we please go somewhere and talk?" I ask, my eyes conveying my sincerest apologizes.

She whips to look at me, her eyes hard. "No we can't Shawn. I have a date and then a meeting to prepare for. I don't have time for your useless apologizes" she growls. "I don't even have time to look at you! Get out of my way!" She snaps.

"Mila please!" I beg as she storms past me. I chase after her until Harry's bodyguard stops me. I watch as Camila walks into Harry's arms before turning to look back at me with a smirk. I watch them walk away as I fall to my knees in a now empty room.

This is going to take a lot of work.

The next day I return to the office only to find that Camila is not there. Walking to my desk I throw my bag underneath and try and turn on my computer. It won't turn on, in anger I slam my keyboard only for Connor and Brian to pop their heads up to look at me.

"What's up with you man?" Connor asks as he walks over to lean against my desk.

"Nothing" I mumble keeping my eyes down.

"No man, that's not a 'Nothing' face" Brian chimes in. "Tell us what's going on in the great Shawn Mendes' head."

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I turn in my chair to face them both. "Camila knows about the bet. She saw things were different and then Matthew confirmed it to her" I say without an emotion in my voice.

"What?" Connor chokes.

"How did you find out she knows?" Brian asks.

Grabbing my coffee cup, I take a drink before I tell them about the night at Camila's house. They looked shocked. I feel disgusting as I relive that night.

"I can't believe it! How are we all not dead yet?" Connor asks. "Surely she'd want all out balls on a silver platter!" He adds.

"I'm sure we'll get what's coming to us Connor. She's just waiting for the right moment to expose us all." I say sadly.

"Fuck!" Brian says hitting his fists on the desk.

Just as we compose ourselves, Camila walks in with Harry's team behind her. She looks happy and she's dressed beautifully like always. Her phone is to her ear and as I watch her, it's like she's gliding through the motions. She's an unstoppable force. One that I don't know if I could ever compete with.

Once I see her place her phone on her desk, she calls to me to come to her office. I turn to the guys that both give me a shrug before I walk like a dog with its tail between its legs to her doorway.

"Good morning Shawn, sorry I'm running late. Would you mind going down to the coffee cart and grabbing enough for everyone?" She asks me.

All I do is nod slowly and reply "Yes" as I turn on my heel to leave. A question stops me from going any further.

"How did your date with Harry go?" One of his team members asks Camila.

I hear her sigh dreamily as she tells the group about about the amazing Cuba place he took her and the number of pictures they took and kisses they shared. She tells them that she hopes to see Harry again tonight and his team seems thrilled.

Anger fills my veins as the thought of her sharing more than just the kiss I witnessed yesterday with Harry makes me see red. Why do this? Just to spite me? Unfortunately it was working and I just grow to hate myself more.

She shouldn't be with Harry, she should be with me.

Finally leaving her office unnoticed I grab Connor by the sleeve and we ride the elevator down to the floor with our cafeteria. Connor questioned me the whole ride down and I tried to get him up to speed as best I could. Shame and regret filling me the more I said it out loud.

We're standing in line when Connor yanks on my sleeve. "What?" I ask.

"Isn't that Harry?" He asks pointing in the direction of a table by the windows.

"Yes" I reply.

It's definitely Harry, and he's not alone. And the lips he's kissing definitely aren't Camila's.

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