Chapter 13

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The end of this horrible day is wrapping up when I catch Harry with the redhead again. Just an adoring fan huh? Fan my ass! I tried to talk to Camila a few times but she just politely ran me off, it's been a busy day and Andrew had her running around like crazy with Harry's team.

Determined to get her to talk to me, I wait until she's alone and the office is almost empty. Andrew has gone home, so I don't have to worry about any drama with him or his now favorite posse. I did a lot of ground work to prep for Harry's album release today, so I'm glad everyone associated with him is gone for the day. I need this alone time with Camila.

Decluttering my desk from this busy day, I notice Harry sneak back into Camila's office. Son of bitch! I watch as he closes her office door while trying to connect their lips. Camila slowly turning away; denying him the opportunity. Brian and Connor are still here and as we agreed, when I go to talk to her about Harry and the bet, they will be there for back-up and further proof that I'm not lying about Harry or the idea behind the bet.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as I pretend to do busy work on my computer. A sudden loud noise makes all three of our heads turn and we hear yelling coming from Camila's office. In an instant I'm on my feet about to barge into her office when Harry swings the door open; his signature smug look on his face as he looks back at her and shakes his head. "We could've been something baby girl!" He growls at her. He's about to say more, but I stop him before he gets the chance.

"How could you be something with her when you had a redhead doing something else to you multiple times today Harry?" I ask, standing almost fully in front of him now, my chest out slightly as I use my height to my advantage.

"You what?!" Camila screams at him. "I should've known you sleaze! Just like fucking college!" She says throwing her arms in the air before collapsing on her chair, barely holding herself together. "I can't believe I was so stupid!" Camila cries as the urge to grab her and get her out of here becomes too much and as I step towards her office; Harry turns his anger to me. "I told you to zip it Mendes! Look what you've done!" He whisper shouts at me, trying to get into my face. "I haven't done anything Harry! You're the one playing the field like you always have!" I quip back as I push past him and into her office.

Kneeling down as I turn her chair to face me, I look up at Camila, her hair still perfectly styled, but her face red and swollen with tears and anger as she hides behind her hands.

"Camila....listen I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I need you to hear me out" I say and when she doesn't make a motion to move, I keep going. "I've been trying to talk to you all day. Yes, I know about Harry's extracurriculars and that's one of the things I wanted to tell you. I don't want any more secrets or lies with you. Please Camila! I'm ready to come clean! Let's just get out of here and go somewhere" I say, begging her with my hands and my eyes as I wait for her to look at me. Connor and Brian are standing now, cornering Harry so he can't leave until I'm done with him.

Before Camila has a chance to respond, Harry barges back in her office. I don't even give him time to say anything before I'm on my feet, my fist meeting his face as he goes tumbling back, falling flat on his ass. Connor and Brian chuckle loudly as Camila screams at what she's just seen. Finally standing up, she grabs her coat and her bag. Throwing her coat on she grabs her bag and proceeds to leave but not before slapping me across the face. "You're no better than him" she cries "and no, I didn't tell him about the bet. The whole office did!" She snaps before letting out an anguished huff and storming off.

My hands still on my now reddened cheek as I run after her. "Camila, Camila please! Please stop! Please! Can we just talk for five minutes. Please!" I beg, almost now on my hands and knees.

"What do you have to say to me Shawn that I don't already know?" She whips to face me as tears stream down her face. "What could you possibly have to tell me that would make any of this better?" She cries.

"That I'm sorry...and I want to tell you the whole truth about everything; all of it, because I love you Camila" I say, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop them.

I hear her gasp as she looks at me in horror. "You love me?" She feigns surprise. "You love me" she repeats. "You don't love me Shawn!" She says shaking her head. "You love the idea of me, just like Harry does!" She snaps. Taking a few steps closer to me, she drops her bag and grips onto the collar of my shirt. "You just can't stand to see me happy and moving on from this little mess between us, can you?" Her face getting even closer to mine.

"Camila" I say as I cautiously go to wrap my hands around her waist. "Camila please, you know that's not true! Please just let me explain!"

"No! No!" She cries, shoving herself away from me. "No! I don't want to hear it Shawn!" She cries, grabbing her bag. "Don't you see? You're all dead to me now. I don't want to hear how right you were about Harry or how great it would be for me to give you a second chance. I just did that Shawn and look where it got me" she says flailing her hands. "I can't trust you, and I don't care that you claim to love me. Nothing you've done shows me that you actually do!" She almost growls at me as I see her flip switch, her chocolate eyes glassing over to pure black.

She presses the button for the elevator and as Connor and Brian join us, she steps on before turning to face us; a devilishly angry, but sexy look on her face.

"Don't forget tomorrow is the Christmas party...and I have one hell of a surprise." She says smoothly before the door closes and she's gone.

I let out a groan as I fist my hair in my curls. "Damnit!" I cry. Connor and Brian look like deer in the headlights as Connor says "She's in self destruct mode." Brian nods his head in agreement.

"No!" I say suddenly. "No this isn't over! I have to do something!" I say. "We need to do something. I need to make her see that I do love her. This isn't and never was a game. Come guys, we have work to do!" I say more determined than ever now to make Camila see that what I've said is true.

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