Chapter 7

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"You what?" I say stunned; the pit of my stomach bottoming out.

"I. Know. About. The. Bet." She says again, each word accentuated as she spits them out like fire.

I suddenly feel very very small. The walls closing in as she seemingly stands above me.

"How?" I manage to squeak but instantly regret it. That is so not the question I need to be asking right now.

"How?" She repeats casually. Her tears now dried on her face as her cheeks flush with anger. She scoffs as she steps closer to me. She's now close enough that her intoxicating scent takes over my senses. What once drove me wild, now seemingly choking me.

"I see more than you realize Mendes. You and your pathetic excuses for friends only ever talk to each other; did you not think I'd see all those men dumping money on your desk? Did you not think I wouldn't pick up on something when you idiots started following me around like puppies or leave me flowers like someone died?" She seethes, her words accompanied by shoves until I stumble and fall back on her staircase.

She's now hovering over me, hands on her hips as her heel comes to rest on the step between my legs. I gulp as I stare into her black eyes.

"But do you want to know the saddest thing of all Shawn?" She questions.

I'm too in shock to answer, I'm still processing that she knows. She knows everything. I think I let out a whimper as I begin to panic. She's upset for more than one reason, and I hate that one reason is at me. First and foremost I hate thats she's hurting because her grandmother is dead, but secondly I hate myself for causing her more pain. It was never supposed to happen like this.

"Answer me Shawn!" She yells, a wicked smile crossing her face.

"I....I...Camila...." I whimper like a dog.

"Coward!" She barks, her heeled foot now covering my center. Pushing down, she continues.

"The saddest thing.." she starts as tears start to form in her eyes again. "The saddest thing is that I went after you because I wanted to...because I liked you Shawn, I actually liked you. I could tell underneath it all you were the guy I fell for in college all those years ago, but never seemed to feel the same about me. I wanted a chance to prove to you that I could be what you wanted. What you deserved."

What? She likes me? How did I not know this?

Tears roll down her face as she chuckles. "And I find out from my ex that half the guys in the office are trying to get into my pants all because of some "proposal" YOU started." She says pointing down at me. "Well guess what Shawny boy? You just flipped my bitch switch, and I can promise you one thing."

Leaning down so she's practically laying on top of me now.

"You messed with the wrong girl." She whispers seductively in my ear, kissing under my ear before standing back up.

Turning her back to me, I see her body start to shake again and I know she's crying. Her sobs take over and I just want her carpet to swallow me whole.

Slowing getting up, I grab my jacket from the back of the couch and take her keys from the table by her front door. Walking up behind her, I hover behind her, but don't touch her.

Tears form in my own eyes as I stand like an idiot trying to form words to a sentence that somehow puts a dent in the hell of an apology I owe her.

"Camila....Camila I'm so sorry. weren't supposed to find out like this..." I cry.

She whips around to face me, her eyes brimming with tears, her face angrier than I've ever seen.

"Well guess we don't always get what we want now do we Shawn?" She snaps.

"Camila please! Please just let me explain a little" I beg. "Please....please"

"No!" She shakes her head as she laughs. "Not now. Now I have to go and say goodbye to my dead grandmother. The last person that truly cared about me!" She says lowly... "The person I should've been with instead of you." She stated matter of factly as all emotion leaves her face as she looks back at me.

She must see her keys in my hand because she reaches for them and stumbles over. I catch her in my arms and she struggles to get out of my grip before she just gives up and let's me hold her. Sobs wrack her body as we both slowly slide to the ground; me holding her like my life depends on it, as if holding her will magically fix things.

"I'm so sorry Camila. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you" I whisper in her hair as I hold her.

Breaking free from my grasp she turns to me. "You don't get to say you're sorry Shawn. Sorry isn't going to cut it; sorry doesn't magically fix the hurt you've caused." She snaps wiping tears as she stands and straightens her dress. I stand up, her keys still in my hand as I wipe my own tears.

"Please Camila...just let me take you to see your grandmother and then I'll be out of your hair" I plead, my eyes boring into hers, trying to convey how serious I am.

"Fine" she says quietly..."But you drop me off and then get the hell out. You are dead to me Shawn. Understand? Dead."

Ouch...that hurt more than I thought it would.

"Camila..." I say reaching for her hand. She just ignores me and opens her door and slides on her jacket before turning back to me. I follow her out and lock the door using her key.

The car ride is silent as we get to the hospital. She won't even look at me and I don't even attempt to say anything because I know right now this is no longer about me.

Pulling to the front entrance, I put her car in park and walk to the passenger side and open the door for her. She doesn't say anything as she gets out, grabbing her purse, she holds her hand out.

"Keys please." She snaps, looking up at the sky, it's dark, the lights of the hospital illuminating her face.

"Camila please...." I quietly plead.

"No!" She snaps. "Not tonight. I can't do this now. Just give me my fucking keys and leave."

Letting out a breath, I hand her her keys and watch her start to walk away. She hands her keys to the valet; turning to me she smirks.

"Better start walking Mendes....hell is a lonely place when you walk alone." She giggles as the valet walks past me and gets into her car before driving away.

She flips her long brown hair over her shoulder, turning back around, walking into the hospital leaving me standing like a fool watching her go.

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