Chapter 1

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"Guys here she comes!" I whisper as my co-workers and best friends turn in their chairs.  In fact, the whole office turns in their chairs this time everyday.  Excitement evident on all my male co-workers faces; even the old grumpy ones.  Jealousy and awe evident on all the faces of the females in the room.

Our office floor is lined with cubicles and built in offices; one of which is about the be occupied by everyone's favorite spectacle.  For months she'd walk in with her boyfriend and it wasn't as big of a show; but after a brutal break-up, she walks alone.  The hallway past mine, Brian and Connor's cubicles is her fucking catwalk.  She's a year older than me, but we graduated from the same college, top of our classes and work for one of the most prestigious music companies on the West Coast.  I've known about Camila Cabello for over eight years now.  For me, it was love at first sight.  She's gorgeous, sassy and extremely smart.  Working as our administrative assistant, she's always on top of things.  Emails, invites, meetings.  Everything.  Always done, and always done on time which is why the boss loves her. 

I'd love her too if she was on top of me.... if you know what I mean.

Like clockwork the elevator dings and the sound of heels alert us to her presence.  My favorite part of the day. second favorite; my first is watching her walk away.  Man that ass....

Like a queen, she's always dressed to the 9's and everything perfectly wraps around her petite frame

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Like a queen, she's always dressed to the 9's and everything perfectly wraps around her petite frame.  She didn't always used to be like this.  I think one of the first things that drew me to her was that she wasn't like everyone else.  The world hadn't made her cold; she was innocent and shy when she was with Matthew.  However, since Matthew cheated on her with a male office mate; she's turned into this calculated, sassy woman who is still extremely sexy as hell.  I still want her; but I want to be the one that brings her back to the sweet girl I remember.  Either way I'm turned on by her; but I'm curious if the armored look is just a facade.  Either way....when she's with me, we won't have to worry about clothes.

As she struts down the hallway past our cubicles, low whistles and cat calls ensue.  When she finally walks by me and my friends, to her office that's only feet from my cubicle, Brian stands up like an idiot and bows.  He actually bends his body at the waist and bows to her like she really is a queen.

"Jesus Brian get up." She snaps.  "Bending over for me gets you nowhere." She snaps again as she unlocks her door.  "But it'd get you somewhere with me." I mumble, smirking to myself.  Within seconds, black heels are between my feet.  I look up to see Camila, sunglasses in hand, staring me down like she owns me.  "Would it really Mendes?" She says, running a finger down the buttons on the middle of my shirt.  It takes all my energy to hold my dick back from exploding right then and there.  I'm grabbing onto my chair for dear life as she toys with me.  "Too bad little boys like you couldn't handle me." She winks sassily before shoving my chest, turning on her heel and walking away, purposefully shaking her ass as she walks.  If there's one thing that's evident since her break-up; it's that she's hot and she knows it.

'Oh I could handle you' I think to myself.  'Over and over again, bent over for me, screaming my name.  Yes indeed Camila.' I snicker to myself before I wince as I realize I do actually now have a hard on.

"Nice one bro!" Connor chuckles.  "You gonna go ask her to take care of that for you too?" He asks sarcastically as he doubles over full on laughing now.

"Shut up Connor!" I growl.  This only makes him and Brian laugh more, causing a scene.  Camila steps out of her office and gives all three of us the evil eye, before our staring contest is ruined by a guy named Jack.  Poor Jack has been trying for months to ask her out, and every time he thinks he's gotten somewhere, she squashes him like a bug; poor guy never stands a chance.

Watching her hand Jack his balls, I think to myself....since her break-up, has she gotten laid?  Like been wined and dined and then had mind-blowing sex?  Maybe that's why she's being sassy all of a sudden.  Everyone knows dick is better than fingers or plastic.


"Yo idiots stop laughing.  I have an idea." I say lowly to the two baboons still howling away at
my ever growing flagpole.  "Shut up you jerks, I have an idea." I bark quietly slamming my fist down.  They both stop laughing and two more of our cubicle mates turn towards us.

Great! Now I have an audience. 

Hmmm...maybe they can participate as well; make this idea and my victory just as sweet.

"So what's your idea bro?" Brian asks, wiping tears from his face from laughing so hard.

Gathering them all around I say, "A bet.  Camila seems uptight and sassy since her break-up and don't get me wrong, I find it sexy as hell but it got me thinking; when's the last time she got laid?  You could tell when she was with Matthew, and know she's just cold." I pause, chuckling to myself.  "I propose a bet.  Whoever can get Camila to sleep with them first, wined and dined or otherwise; wins." I smirk. 

"What's the prize if we win?" Cole, one of the other guys asks.

"My season tickets to the Dodgers games and the girl.  What more could you want?" I chuckle.  Season tickets for the Dodgers have been a hot commodity since they won the World Series last year, so I know these fools can't say no to that.  Plus, who needs season tickets when you can have Camila Cabello at your beck and call.

"We could always make it a little more interesting." Connor says.  "To participate in the bet, there's an entry fee.  50 bucks, winner takes all."

"Make it $100 and we're in!" says Cole, motioning between him and Noah, the other guy in our conversation.  "She's worth so much more than that, but the thought of fucking her on a bed full of your losers cash sounds like a dream!" He sighs. 

"It's settled then. $100 entry fee for the bet, winner takes all, plus my season tickets and the girl." I say finally, chuckling to myself.

This will be like taking candy from a baby.

By lunchtime I have over $2,000 burning a hole in my desk.  That's 20 men in our office that are dying to pin her down.  What makes my skin crawl is that old man Joe and old man Frank think they stand a chance.  I regret letting them put money in, they don't stand a chance, but the bigger the pot, the sweeter my victory will be.

Now I'm just praying like hell she doesn't find out.  If she does...well....let's just say, I won't have a dick or balls to play with to help me lick my own Camila Cabello inflicted wounds.


This story is dedicated to everyone who reads this story and any of my other stories. Your support means the world to me!

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