Chapter 4

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It's the morning of our big presentation and I see that Camila is already in her office when I arrive. Brian is here as well. He's in her office helping her with something on her computer, his upper half practically hovering over her. She's dressed differently today and she looks at lot happier than she did last night.

  She's dressed differently today and she looks at lot happier than she did last night

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It's unusual to see her in a dress, but I'm not complaining; she looks gorgeous. Her hair is down again today, but this time in soft waves and it's the first time in a long time I've seen her look so relaxed and more like her old self.

A loud laugh interrupts me from my daydreaming as I see her hand on Brian's arm. He looks like he's about ready to spontaneously combust. She's smiling up at him and they are laughing.

No. Not Brian. It should be me! I was there for her last night.

Anger fills my body as Connor walks down the hall with three coffee cups in hand. Walking into Camila's office, he hands her one, one to Brian and keeps the last one for himself. Camila looks to thank him profusely for the much needed caffeine and now all three of them are laughing.

Deciding I need to see what's so funny, I stand from my desk and walk to the doorframe of her office.

"Good morning everyone. What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh nothing." Camila says.

"Nah she's just being nice bro." Brian says. "Camila agreed to go on a lunch date after the presentation this morning." He winks.

"And then I'm taking her to dinner." Connor chirps in.

"Sounds like I'm going to be a busy girl." Camila laughs as both guys look at me like they've just won the lottery.

"Wait....what?" I squeak, swallowing down my disgust, astonishment, frustration.

Connor 1 Brian 1 Shawn 0

"Aren't they so nice?" Camila asks locking eyes with me in challenge.

This is a complete 180 from last night; heck from any normal day. Camila in a dress, looking like a goddess; Brian and Connor scoring dates? What is going on here?

"Oh yes... the best." I reply rolling my eyes in displeasure as I turn on my heel and go back to my desk.

This is going to be a long day.

Our presentation went great.  Camila worked really hard to make sure all of our information was presented in a nice, neat manner. She sat next to Andrew who looked just as shocked to see her in a dress as the rest of us.

Luckily everything went off without a hitch, but now I was graveling to myself because it was time for Brian and Camila's lunch date. They took one of the company cars, which unfortunately has plenty of back seat room for extra curricular activities.

Damnit all to hell.

Fidgeting in my chair, I can't help but think about how things are going while they are gone. I can't even eat my own lunch I'm so sick that someone other than me might win the bet.
Brian is charming and sweet and knows how to handle just about any situation. If all goes as he has planned; I'll be out my season tickets by 1pm this afternoon.

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