Chapter 3

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The next morning I get to the office and it smells like a flower shop.  Hundreds and I mean hundreds of red, pink, yellow and lavender roses line the hallway outside Camila's office.  Old man Frank is standing proudly by her door with a coffee in his hand, waiting like an anxious pup for her arrival.

Stupid idiot...she likes sunflowers.  Roses make her nauseous.  Not literally, but figuratively.  She hates them.

Faces turn as usual to see her enter the office.  She's dressed in a black suit with a white shirt underneath, an annoyed look on her face.

"Why is the hallway littered with roses?  Did I miss someone's funeral?" She asks as she walks by

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"Why is the hallway littered with roses?  Did I miss someone's funeral?" She asks as she walks by.  "Someone clean these up before I puke!" She sighs, walking straight past Frank into her office.

"Good morning my dear!" Frank chirps.

"Morning Franklin." She says sweetly, smiling at him.  "You can drop the act old man...I hate roses, and I'm meeting someone for coffee after my meeting with Andrew." She says.  "But nice effort, save it for your wife." She winks before walking into the hall.

"Will someone please get rid of these roses before the boss gets here?" She says loudly.

As if the Queen is speaking; Connor, Brian, Noah and myself stand from our chairs and hurry to gather the roses.

Once they are safely removed I spot her in the staff kitchen filling a coffee cup for the boss.  Deciding to shoot my first shot, I walk to join her before being intercepted by Ryan; a jerk that also put money in the pot for the bet.

She turns to face him as he walks into the room.  She makes no moves to smile, no moves to flirt; she just stands there like she's bored.  Picking at her nails as Ryan talks, she chuckles to herself before looking up at him and talking to him animatedly.  Minutes later Ryan is walking out to the kitchen looking like he saw a ghost.

"She's in rare form today Mendes...Be careful." He says as he passes me.  "Thanks for the heads up." I reply.

Entering the kitchen, I head for the coffee machine.  "Roses have been removed Camila." I tell her.

She turns to look at me.  I see her eyes scan me up and down before she smirks.  "Thanks Mendes.  I don't think I've ever seen you move so quick."

"Well....I know they make you sick so I figured the quicker we could get them out the better." I chuckle.

"How do you know they make me sick?" She asks, raising a brow at me.

"I remember the first time your ex brought you flowers." I reply.  "Plus, we're not strangers Camila.  I pay attention." I admit.

"And so do I Shawn; and your shirt isn't buttoned right.  Maybe don't get dressed in the dark next time" she laughs before walking away.

I stand there stunned.  She is in rare form today.

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