Chapter 8

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We don't see Camila again for two days, meaning the next day we see her is Monday of next week. Our boss Andrew made an announcement that her grandmother had passed and with her permission he was allowed to tell us. Collective sighs and tears were shed that morning as some of her closest counterparts reacted to the news. In reality it was all fake sympathies because I knew, just like she told me that night at her house, that she had no one.

Brian and Connor noticed I was quiet but kept their distance; I must've been radiating enough bad energy to keep them at bay for awhile.

Over the past few days I didn't eat, I couldn't sleep; all my thoughts consumed with Camila and the looks on her face as I almost had everything I've ever wanted; and lost everything I've ever wanted all in the same night. I tried calling her, texting her; sending her flowers and each time the call was rejected or the text bounced back. The boxes of flowers returned looking like mulch for the garden.

She'd made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me, but I continued to try. She needed to know that despite my idiotic, completely unforgivable mistake; I was there for her.

She had someone.

Over the weekend my thoughts consumed me whole and got the better of me, I drove to her house and banged on her door like a lunatic, begging on my hands and knees for her to at least open the door. Every time I was met with silence. One time I knew she was home, but in the pouring rain, she left me to drown. As I drove home chilled to the bone and soaking wet, I feared what Monday would bring. I knew whatever she had planned; I deserved. You don't hurt someone you love, and that's exactly what I had done.


Holy shit....

I love Camila. I fucking love Camila Cabello.

Monday finally rolls around and everyone stares as the clock strikes waiting for her arrival. I think we're all expecting her to come dressed as if she's just come from the funeral but we should've known what actually happened.

Like clockwork her heels alert us to her presence and every head in the office, including Andrew's turns on a dime.

Like clockwork her heels alert us to her presence and every head in the office, including Andrew's turns on a dime

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She walks by, business as usual; but everyone knows it's not. She hasn't dressed like this since she was with Matthew, meaning she's either gone delusional, or she's preparing for war. Still, as I watch her seemingly float by me I can't help but feel my skin tingle. She looks incredible. The slit of her dress giving just a peek of what's underneath. She's sexy....and if she didn't before, she definitely knows it now. The gloves are off and she's ready to even the score.

Connor and Brian look at me as we all gulp in unison as her eyes meet mine for the first time in five days. What I expect to be cold, lifeless chocolate orbs staring back at me are anything but. There's a fire there and with just one look I'm being burnt to a crisp.

Stepping out of her office, she calls to me. "Mr. Mendes, a word in my office please."

Heads turn and because no one else knows she knows about the bet; I get winks and whistles thinking I'm about to win my own fucking bet when in reality that can't be further from the truth.

Standing up slowly, I attempt to collect myself and walk to her office, she watches me walk in and then slams the door behind me.

"Take a seat Mendes. We have lots to discuss." Andrew says from chair in the corner. Camila takes a seat at her desk, smiling at me innocently like she's not about to hand me my balls on a blue platter.

Someone just sign my death certificate now please. Cause of death...Camila Cabello.

"Shawn....we brought you in here to discuss your recent activity" Andrew starts.

Oh shit! She told him....he knows!

"Ummm...ok?" I swallow anxiously as I squirm slightly in my chair, turning to see Camila chuckle under her breath.

"We have a new artist coming next week and I'd like you to work side by side with Camila to welcome him. You two will be responsible for making sure him and his team have everything they need, at their disposal at any time of day...or night."

"Ummm sir...Are you sure that's a good idea?" I wheeze under the gaze of Camila's stare.

"Why not Shawn? Camila personally asked for you and to be honest I think it's a great idea! You showed some real promise and I was quite pleased with your part last week on the Grant Proposal" he says.


That word rings in my ear; haunting me, and all I want to do is shake my head like a lunatic to get it out.

"So what do you say Shawn?" Camila asks, looking at me sweetly, batting her lashes as Andrew looks at me nervously waiting for me to accept this new task.

Taking a deep breathe I look from her to Andrew and then back at her before letting out the breath and answering.

"Sure" I say quietly.

"What's that Shawny? Couldn't hear you..." she says.

"I said sure! Sounds like a great opportunity to show just how much of an asset I can be to the team!" I say, trying to bite back the bile raising in my throat. The thought of working with Camila and another guy making my insides twist and turn.

"Great!" Andrew exclaims, clapping his hands together before handing us each a copy of the artist profile and expectations for the next few weeks. "I'll leave you two to it then! Have fun!" He says as he exits her office.

Oh! Woohoo!

I look back at Camila and she's already reading through the papers Andrew's handed us. I sit still for a minute because this is the closet I've been to her in days and although she looks and smells beautiful, I can tell she's still hurting.

"Camila...can we talk please?" I say quietly, placing my hands on her desk, reaching one towards her.

Setting the papers down, she looks across the desk at me with hooded eyes. I'm half tempted to think she's going to crawl across and either claw my eyes out of kiss me. Either way, I'm scared shitless.

Instead however, she says "Unless it's about the artist, who I'm sure you'll love by the way, I have nothing to say to you Shawn so I suggest you take your blue little balls and get the hell out of my office."

Love the artist? Why would I love a male artist so much? I mean sure, I like them....but something seems off...something seems terribly off.

Deciding I'm not about to battle her back, I gather my things and exit her office. I'm about the close the door when she stops me.

"Leave the door open Shawn" she says.

I shrug and walk back to my desk. Sitting down, I lay the papers in front of me. Taking one look, all the breath escapes me and I can't believe my eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell.

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