Chapter 2

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By the end of the day, ten more men had added money to the burning hole in my desk.  I was starting to get sick to my stomach.  Old men, younger men and all of my friends had thrown money into the pot.

30 guys.  All wanting to sleep with Camila.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

It's not like I needed the money, but like Cole said earlier; the thought of fucking her on a bed full of these losers money was going to be priceless.  I couldn't think of anything better at the time.

That is.... until Matthew handed me money.

"Bro no way....are you kidding me?" I laugh at him, not taking his money right away.  "You really think you even stand a chance after what you've done?" I ask, cocking a brow, stern look on my face.

"Well no, but I know what she likes.  What makes her body arch; her moans louder." He chuckles.  "Just remember, during your little bet and while you're fucking her; I had her first.  I had her begging for me, losing herself all around me." He smirks throwing a $100 bill on my desk.

"I know she won't even give me a chance, so consider this a donation; added to the cause of you pathetic losers if you will." He chuckles.  "I can promise you; you're in for more than you bargained for." He smirks before looking longingly at her door, grabbing his briefcase off the floor and leaving for the day.

What the?

Running my hands through my hair, I add the money to the pile and slide the envelope in my own bag.  Connor and Brian are still here as well finishing up a grant proposal that's due by the end of the week. 

Camila had come out of her office earlier and told them they needed to have their parts to her by tonight so she could put it all together for us before submitting it to the boss.

"Mr. Mendes..." her sexy voice rings in my ear.  It's like a dream.  If I close my eyes I can see her underneath me screaming "Yes Mr. Mendes" over and over while I take her to paradise.

"Shawn!" She snaps.

Oh wait...not a dream.  Damnit

Shaking my head and adjusting myself in my chair, I stare up at her chocolate brown eyes; drinking them in.  God she's so beautiful.

"Yes Miss Cabello." I reply.

"I need your part of the proposal." She says tapping on her Apple Watch.

"I've already sent it to you."

Jutting her hip out, she stands hands on hips in front of me.  "Well I haven't seen it in my inbox and the boss asked for the proposal by Wednesday so you better figure it out.  I won't be late because of you!" She snaps.

"Whoa baby! Calm down.  It's right here" I say motioning my hand to the screen in front of us.  "I'll resend it now and I'd be happy to stay and help you put this altogether." I smile genuinely at her while all my mind can think about is taking her on that desk of hers.

"No, just send me your part.  Cole and Noah are already staying to help me.  Once you, Connor and Brian email me, then I have everything." She says, before turning on her heel, inviting the two men in her office and closing the door. this cannot be happening.  My sweet fantasy crashes and burns, I grumble to myself as I send a new email to her.

Groaning, I grab my jacket and my bag before whacking Connor and Brian upside the head and heading out.  Shooting both of them a text that I won't be going out for drinks tonight, I head home.  I need to strategize and get the thoughts of Camila in her office alone with Cole and Noah out of me head.

My apartment isn't too far from the office so as I'm driving home, I come up with the idea to head back to the office in a couple hours and intercept either one of them from taking her home.  The boss is working late tonight so the chances of there being any desk fucking are very small.  I can breathe easy at that fact.

Grabbing some food from the market around the corner from my building, I head back to my place.  The wheels in my mind turning as I think I've come up with the perfect plan.

Two hours later I casually drive by the office and see the light in her office is off; their three cars are still in the parking lot.  The boss is gone so my blood runs a little cold thinking about what could be happening inside.

Slamming my steering wheel, I'm kicking myself for not offering to help her sooner.  This bet could be over ten times by now.

A flash of metal catches my attention as I see Cole grabbing his crotch, struggling to get into his car.  I think I actually see tears.

The scene behind him though makes my blood boil.  Noah...Noah and Camila walking out behind Cole, arm and arm.  Even in the darkness, you can see the shine of her teeth as she smiles up at him.

As they reach her car, he guides his hand to her back as he opens her door for her.  She gladly accepts and places her bag on the passenger seat before standing back up to be face to face with Noah.  I watch them talk for a few minutes before I see her grab his hand, running her other hand down the buttons on his shirt; just like she did to me this morning.

She's flirting....and she looks mighty fine while she does it.

My blood boiling turns to pure rage when I see him lean down and hover his lips over hers.  I have blinders on and it's taking everything in me not to just run Noah over with my car as I watch his lips descend on hers. 

I slam my steering wheel so hard my horn goes off instantly breaking them apart.  My face flushes with embarrassment as I lean down in my seat to hide.

I watch Noah lean down to kiss her again; but see her hand come to stop him.  She starts talking to him again and minutes later, Noah is walking like a scorned dog back to his own car as Camila drives off.

Ahhhh....two down!

I live to see another day.

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