so basically, logged on to ffn account after long fucking time, found out story i never updated after first post had several comments encouraging me to continue and that it was a great story, felt bad because it was shit and i never touched it again after i uploaded the prologue, so now i'm rewriting coz of guilt :thumbs_up:
cringe warning, it was rlly fucking bad eksjdkdid
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and this is the rewrite- its only a rough draft so its not the best, but i'll finish it up later lmaO
if someone has any suggestions to make this better p l e a s e, i'm not very good at writing </3
jason can recite the sounds of the screams as easy as he can breathe.
how they rung in his fading hearing; the way piper's was shrill and tight with horror, and apollo's wretched with disbelief -- how the weight of their grief weighed heavily in his bones, even all these years now.
but he cannot recall how exactly he felt as the spear pierced his chest, slid past his skin and to his heart as if there was only paper in its way.
maybe he screamed as well. jason doesn't know.
he only remembers how he laughed as he wobbled and fell to the ground. his chest heaving and his throat coated in copper, he cackled at the face of death. lovely, cruel, death, with his brown eyes and thin lips that balked at his insanity and hesitated in their triumph.
"thanks," he smiled -- giggled, "thanks for making me happy one last time."
jason did not await c̶a̶l̶i̶g̶u̶l̶a̶'s death's response. he took his silence as a blessing -- a blessing to breathe one last sigh of relief, mumble one more final goodbye, as he fell back into darkness and its