bRrr rambles about magic school bones and their world

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Hi yes don't mind me dumping my shit ton of ideas i'mma be doing that a lot for the magic school au Kdnskdkd

There are Seven Great Continents— Bones was born in Eralsin, in the country of Melihx, and moved to Dalset, a nearby and alley continent when they were 22 -^-

now this is important! Because in Eralsin and eSpecially Melihx, being able to use and see magic in its purest form is encouraged— praised even! Manipulating light and energy and whatnot is a very well practiced form of magic in their home country. Lotsss of people naturally talented at that are born there~ Melihx is even known as "The Pure Lands" in the rest of the continent. But with the other continents...?

Its known as wonderful breeding grounds for insanity ->- Bc everyone knows seeing magic and mesSing with it in its purest form reaLly fucks with your head!! suRe its a ve r y strong branch of magic, but still highly dangerous. Its either banned in one or two continents, highly frowned upon, grudgingly accepted, and only kinDa a bit encouraged for research purposes in others. Only in Eralsin and Celpaq is it truly welcomed and accepted as an "honourable and valid" branch of magic. Then again— a good portion of those born magically inclined in those continents are gifted with the ability of light/energy bending n sight.

And Bones is one of them!! :D They've been messing with this shit since before they could wAlK. Always staring at things, messing with aNything even the slightest bet resembling glass, even learning how to twist and manipulate their playmate's energies B)) made a lOt of fellow kids cry aha~

Small little lesson about the magically inclined and those born without any sort of incline to that stuff in this world.

Think of them like a sheet of glAss. The magically inclined will let magic pass through them with no problem, like light going through a well cleaned window pane. A constant, unblocked flow that lets them use magic in the first place. bUt certain lights/magics cannot go through certain magically inclined!! For example:

Someone can be born with a natural talent for wands and potion making, and alright at conjuring things. But for the liFe of them... they cannot make out how to create charms, or transfiguring things from one thing to another. Meanwhile someone can be aMaZing at transfiguring, but cannot do any sort of healing magic. Everyone is different!! No piece of glass is the same, how they let in light will vary from person to person B)

meAnwHiLe... those who cannot perform magic, think of them of a piece of glass too dense and even diRty to let light in. Nothing at all. Even beTteR— think of them like mirrors. Light just bounces oFf them instead of passing through them ->- its actually a bit difficult to do magic on someone who isn't magically inclined for that reason.

Magic just reFuSeS to pass through and effect the person, instead preferring to harmlessly bounce off of them most of the time. That only rlly applies if ur young and inexperienced tHo~ the stronger magically inclined can perform magic on those who are nOt inclined with enough effort uwu

ThiS is why magically inclined have aura type shit and the not inclined don't!! Bc the light that wants to pass through their glass sTiCks to the inclined as well, leave their mark so the glass will always knows which light to let in and what light to nOt.

The not inclined don't have this so sad :')

Small lesson time over!! That was just the basics, the way magic truly works on the inclined and with the not inclined are a lot more complicated aha i have no life

but tHiS— this aura the magically inclined of bones playmates have— that's what they were messing with!! Its not a very nice thing to fEel, your aura being messed with sends shivers down your spine or a prickling sensation, and even mood swings, irritability along with other effects if its messed with long enough. Thankfully it wasn't that long before the adults noticed what Bones was doing, and yanked them away from everyone else sad ;(

So Bones was like tWo?? when it was noticed they could see and use light/magical energies to their advantage, and pulled away from all their peers. Now this may seem cRuEl... but it was actually really good for them! They were using/seeing magic in its purest form so much, it was already starting to sweep into their mind and mess with their sanity. Which is not a good thing >:/ so oFf they were sent to a small school for those who's light/magical energy abilities were caught at a pretty young aGe. They were a lOt of these kinda schools— their country was vewy good at catching the tell tale signs in the young ones before t o o much damage could occur.

theRe Bones learned how to lessen the insanity effects of seeing/using pure magic so much, how to become a more powerful bitch, maths and other smart shit, basic research, even learning other branches of magic!! Bones was pretty damn good learning about wands, conjuring things, and familiar magic, not to brag B))

rEaLly good at it, in fact. Bones was f a s t at learning things, and even faster at mastering them. So within a few years, they were bumped aLll the way to an older kids academy... aLll those friends they made from there stayed at the younger kid school, and Bones— Bones was sent to a much more challenging, aDvanced school to rea l ly see what they were made of. They were obviously rlly sad to not be able to see their friends anymore, but pFft— it didn't matter in the end because Bones was pretty damn happy to be at a school that aCtually challenged them and pushed the kid to their limits.

So they fuckin bulldozed their way through school, learning eveRything they could wrap their head around. Even gained twin miniature dragons as their familiars along the way B))) Bones become pretty powerful! One of the strongest amongst their peers, and even starting to hold their ground against much stronger and older magically inclined in mock battles.

But they wanted to do mOre. So by the time their studies came to a close, and they were soon to take up apprenticeship with an older magically inclined... they decided to wanted to travel to other continents and see what they could learn from tHeM.

So with their dad's and their teacher's blessings, Bones set off for the nearby continent Daslet. Jk firSt they traveled to Eariu B)))) They were there for hardly a year (they were 19 when they left their home country), learning lOts from the continent and the many countries in it that specialized in familiar and healing magic (tho they still pretty shit at healing magic despite their best efforts ->-) before at late 20 or sumthin— they heard that one of Daslet's countries, Lesih, was starting to accept the light/magical energy branch of magic as an actual subject for its older schools! They were doing a mini trial of teaching at leaSt the theory and research behind the branch at their top magic school i sTiLl need to think for a name of. The best part? They still needed a natUraLly adept person born with that ability to be the professor for the subject!

So Bones nOoOmeD their ass straight away to Lesih for the job ehe~ all the professors there were rLly skeptical at first ->- thought it was just some prank this cHiLd was playing on them. But nOpe~ Bones was dead fucking serious about getting this damn job. Even showed the professors all their paperwork from school and research papers and everything to prove they were the real dEaL. It took a fuCk ton of convincing, pOlitics for some reason, bRiBeS (tho bones will never admit it), learning about Lesih's ways, before fiNaLlY! At 21— Bones was finally accepted and certified as a professor, and due for their first class on monday~ confused a lOt of students— to see this very young person wearing professor robes, and patiently waiting for them criss cross on the desk designated for the pRofessor of this weird new subject.

And now to present dAy— bones is 26, still very fucking annoying, and even harder to beat B))) they one powerful son of a bitch~


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