You can read this as Crooked lore (Because it technically iS), I just want to write angst and screw up Crooked's sense of self worth at the same time -
"I tried to play the violin once. I was horrible at it, and everyone laughed."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing. I gave it back to Rowan and never attempted again."
"You didn't try to defend yourself?"
"Why would I? I could not play, and that was all. I was laughed at, so I knew if I tried, I would simply be laughed at again.
"Even if I were to be better than Rowan- or became the best violinist I could possibly be, I would only be jested at. Never praised for my accomplishments."
"And what of Elisa and Diana? Surely your own mothers wouldn't laugh at you. . . Would they?"
"Never. But it was worse, to see Elisa's look of pity and Diana's of embarrassment, then it was to be made into the joke I was."
"And how so?"
"I failed to see the point of their sneers and jabs, of the laughter that would have effected anyone else. But I knew what Elisa and Diana meant- their pity and their embarrassment."
"What would that be?"
"They felt sorry for me. Obviously. I am unable to understand hate, sorrow. I could only watch as the people I know turned against me, their smiles becoming grins and their words taunts just for a small shred of amusement. I suppose, seeing your child do nothing when they should have brings nothing but the worst of feelings."
"Why didn't you say something? Tell them you didn't want neither ."
"What could I say? I am a machine, with wires and metal moving me, and code to run my thoughts. There is nothing to be said."
"Simply because you are an AI?"
"Simply because I am not human."