Sksskskuh today's chapter is brought to you by my b o r e d o m
100000/10 most effective method
- Never got any sort of praise when younger so anything positive absolutely d e s t r o y s theM
- So sad Alexa play Despacito 😢
- Can and will make things incredibly awkward after tho
Mentioning anything modern
- Not very effective, but it does the job
- I mean if you want to change the conversation, then y e s
- They'll pause trying to figure out wot the fuck you're talking about like the stupid ass they are
- "What's a p h o n e" "Bruh, it's called a horseless carriage not a fuckin' car-"
- Will most likely end up fighting with you about this
- Someone just explain modern culture to them they're trying
Talk anything about space
- Just makes them frustrated and really upset because ✨r e a s o n s✨
- If someone told them what Uranus is, they'll just be incredibly confused about what's so funny
- "Wait, there isn't two suns-"
Dirty jokes
- Despite common belief, Crooked actually doesn't know anything relatively dirty
- At a l l
- They'll struggle trying to understand the humour behind it before giving up and changing the conversation
Someone crying
- Doesn't matter if it's real or not, Crooked will get flustered
- They attacc, they never have yo bacc, but most importantly they p a n i c c
- They do be tryna comfort
- 1.1/10
- Fucking, they're literally from the time where phones weren't a thing how the hell are they supposed to understand a blurry picture of Walter
- They'll just judge you and your weird humour
- This method can and will end up backfiring on you
Saying "I love you"
- More effective than complimenting them
- I mean why would u say I love you on accident tho
- Crooked don't know how to deal with actual affection f
- Probably would kick you out after that tho
- Wouldn't recommend even with it being big brian affective, they can and will end up avoiding you for a long time
- But they'll turn bright red, very entertaining yes