Hmmm. . .

51 2 96

Wanted to try sumthin' u h - Itskindalongsorrymyfaultforwantingtowritesomethingfhufjojorfdv

(The audio recording is started, and the sounds of two chairs scraping across the floor is heard. One for two people involved in this)

([REDACTED] talks first)

"You are aware this is entirely confidential, yes? Nothing you don't want to be heard outside this room will never do."

A young male clears his throat, maybe in his early twenties.

"No tricks or loops?"

"I swear on my very life."

(The younger sighed)

". . . Ronan was unusual, to put it lightly. It was obvious, considering they were (this part of the audio is censored out) and (this part of the audio is censored out) but even then, they were still odd."

"And what makes you think like so? Are they not your (this part of the audio is censored out)?"

(The same male scoffed, and muttered something in Meljivan)

"Not after what they had done. I'd rather not be (this part of the audio is censored out) to a (this part of the audio is censored out), even if it is not by (this part of the audio is censored out)."

"Will you allow this to prevent you from speaking of them in a different light? This recording is important in (this part of the audio is censored out)."

". . . Not this time. Only for this."

"Hmm. So I ask you again. What happened to make them seem so unusual?"

"It isn't what happened, it's what didn't."


"Ronan always claimed there was a black cat wandering around the house, and followed them wherever they went."

"Did you not have a cat. . .?"

"No. Elisa was allergic to them, actually.

"But Ronan had. . . problems with seeing things that weren't there. Hearing voices, or feeling like someone had taken hold of their arm."


"Yes, I think that's the proper term. Sometimes it would get so bad they wouldn't sleep for days on end. Some days it wasn't, but just as concerning."

"What did they see?"

"I don't know. They never told, and I never asked."


"I think I was afraid - Something capable of making them sleepless has to be truly horrific in nature. I allowed my fear to overpower my curiosity, to be frank with you."

"But are they not capable of (this part of the audio is censored out)."

"Not at all. That's what makes it so terrifying."

"I would think so. . . Did these hallucinations cause any other problems?"

"Not really. But they were incredibly clumsy after we left (this part of the audio is censored out)."

"How clumsy?"

"They were often breaking bones or seriously harming themselves from these falls and trippings. And with how sick they had become, it took harder for them to heal."

"What do you mean by 'sick'?"

"Sudden illnesses with no cause. Of the worst kinds especially."

". . . The worst kinds?"

". . .I remember, they had random high fevers that left as quick as it appeared. They were delirious to the point they couldn't do nothing but ramble on about nonsense. It was so bad we sometimes had to remove their (this part of the audio is censored out) because of how scared we were that the fever would cause permanent damage."

"And what happened?"

"Ronan was always fine the next day, like it had never happened."

"It sounds impossible."

"It is. But this happened so constantly, it almost became normal. . .

"In a sick sort of way." (He added after a moment's pause)

"So did these fevers did not allow them to heal the correct way?"

"Nor did their inability to gain weight. Surprising, considering they had received a new (this part of the audio is censored out) after we left (this part of the audio is censored out)."

"It wasn't tampered with, was it?"

"No, (this part of the audio is censored out), was incredibly sure in that. There's no reason to doubt his words."

". . . If you are so sure he had not lied, than I suppose there isn't. But how often was their clumsiness present?"

". . ."

"Is something wrong. . .?"

". . . There was something off about the way their 'clumsiness' happened."

"You don't think it was just that, do you?"

(He hesitated and then sighed)

"No. Ronan was rarely the type of person to trip- never did, to be frank. And those accidents. . . I swear it could have only happened if they had been pushed."


"Er, well- Its hard to explain. . ." 

(He exhales, drumming his fingers on the table in a nervous sounding beat) 

"I suppose the most obvious time was when were walking through the market. It was surprisingly empty, and there wasn't anyone walking close by. But still, it looked like they were suddenly shoved forward before they landed in such a way their arm broke in several places. 

"There was no plausible way for them to have fallen like that unless someone had purposely forced them to do so."

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