Wholesome spirit wholesome spirit-

28 7 23

Sjsksis something really cool happened and I just felt like sharing because it was coot uwu

So basically we have a candle for my Papa Jose who died roughly a month ago from COVID 19. And today I sitting on the couch next to where his picture and candle was and realized, the flame is burning a lot bigger and brighter than u s u a l.
My big brain started saying hullo to him, and everytime the flame would flicker and get really, really big and bright, sometimes even splitting in two like a heart :0 Which was already adorable, because even though I've never met Papa because he lived in Mexico, he was awesome and sweet and so many other things whenever we video called him.
But I decided why not, and ask Papa to make the flame bigger if he was here. And he d i d. It was so brigHt and everythiNg -

It was just- I love him :)

And oh yeah, Soor never left in the first place because every door I close keeps fucking opening again like someone decided to say hMmm, Maurice closed it for privacy but I'm gonna be a jackAss and open it a n y w a y s. And he does to no one.

Only me.

The dick.

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