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here a small thingy of ~anatomy~ idk wattpad being dumb bi tch

here a small thingy of ~anatomy~ idk wattpad being dumb bi tch

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aLsO a GuY iS nOt GoNnA HaVe aS mUcH cuRvE tO hiS siDeS aS a GoRlS— tHo ThE tOrsO wiLl AlwAyS hAve CuRvE iTs NoT a StiCk k ByE

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aLsO a GuY iS nOt GoNnA HaVe aS mUcH cuRvE tO hiS siDeS aS a GoRlS— tHo ThE tOrsO wiLl AlwAyS hAve CuRvE iTs NoT a StiCk k ByE

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