Day 24 - Mirror

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Blue's POV

I walked into the bathroom and I saw my reflection in the mirror, it made me feel disgusted with myself. To save myself from the disgust of my own body, I took the mirror off the wall and laid it on the floor. Once I was done in the bathroom I left the mirror down, not wanting to accidentally see myself while putting it back up.

After being done in the bathroom I went to change into my pajamas and felt a bit of shame as I took off my binder for the night. Ink and Dream came in a bit later and cuddled to either side of me, making me appreciate the affection that they give me. Although my mind kept going back to how much they're bound to hate me when they find out the truth. It's why I'm so scared to tell them and show them my body, because they're bound to be disgusted by my body too.

My thoughts kept me up all night and I ended up not sleeping at all, my eyes already had dark bags under them though. I got up quickly and rushed to put my binder on, covering my eye bags with makeup so I don't worry anyone. Once I was done I went to make breakfast, my mind going back to the mirror being up this morning. Ink or Dream must have put it up after I took it down, they probably have no problems with their reflections.

"Hey Blue," Dream hugged me from behind and Ink searched the kitchen for his morning coffee.

"Good morning and Ink your coffee is in the cabinet to the left," he quickly went to retrieve it as Dream started to fall asleep again, he put his head in the crook of my neck and got a little too comfortable.

Ink eventually pulled Dream off me and sat him on the sofa, both of them relaxed knowing that I almost finished breakfast already. However my paranoid mind thought that one of them has probably realized something is off about my body and is just too nice to say anything. The feeling drove me crazy, so after breakfast I flopped onto our bed and started fiddling with my binder that was hidden under my shirt.

I went into the bathroom right after and looked into the mirror, my worst fear was myself. Seeing myself made me feel anxious and like the room is too small, my body to feminine. My legs gave out and I began sobbing uncontrollably, wishing I could make myself disappear. Then Ink and Dream came in to see me and they both looked shocked, quickly wrapping me up in a hug.

"Blue, what's wrong? We just want to help," Ink softly moved my hair out of my face so he could see me looking at him.

"I-I'm so pathetic," I practically shouted, feeling my weaknesses fuel my crying.

"No you're not," my tears were wiped by Ink and he pressed a kiss on my forehead right after.

"He's right, we love you so much," I got another kiss, this one from Dream.

"B-but I can't even look at my own reflection," both of them continued to hug me tight and I just broke down into more tears.

"That's okay, we're always going to support you," Dream started to rub my back lightly, making me feel calm.

"Thanks," the faint smell of coconut shampoo came off of Dream's hair and Ink pulled back from the hug to look me in the eyes.

I have a question, why do you hate your reflection? I think you look perfect just the way you are and I can tell Dream agrees with me," that made me feel panicked for a moment before I swallowed my fear down and told them.

"I'm trans," both of them smiled at me and I felt them look proud of me, rather than disgusted.

"Blue that's perfectly fine," I saw both of them change expressions to soft looks and I was picked up.

They took me to our bed and snuggled up to my body, making me feel safe and accepted. It was something I'd been longing for ages, but everyone I had told before had shut me out for the very fact that I'm not a cisgender boy. I'm a trans boy no matter how much I wish I wasn't, but here are two idiots that accepted me without any judgement.

-744 words

Hope you enjoyed

Sorry for the delay, I'll write the stuff I missed soon and then post it. The holidays got messy, today I got hardly any sleep, had to visit relatives and it started snowing before we got home so a usually hour an a half drive became 3 hours. I'm gonna try to catch up on my sleep before I start writing.

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