Day 22 - Baby It's Cold Outside

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*Humans, trans male Dream and male Ink and Blue, abuse and drug use*

Blue's POV

I've been out with Ink and Dream all night, but they don't want me to leave. It's understandable, I don't want to leave either. However I don't want my brother to find out about my boyfriends, because he would definitely try to keep me away from them and I don't think I could handle that.

"Blue please, just one night," Ink was begging now and I gave in, especially when I saw Dream in his binder and tight shorts.

"Fine, but only this once, I can't have my brother finding out," they both happily hugged me and I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"Dream you know you shouldn't sleep with your binder on," he groaned and pulled it off, putting a tank top on instead.

"Alright, now cuddles," it's cute how Dream keeps his childlike enthusiasm after all the hate people have had towards him for being trans.

"Okay, come here," I laid on the bed and both of them curled up against my body, missing the feeling of sleeping beside me since the last time we had a sleepover in high school.

The feeling of them sleeping beside me was so nice that I instantly relaxed and fell asleep. When morning came I was pulled from my sleep by my phone ringing, likely my brother freaking out about me not coming home last night. So I answered the phone and instantly started to get a lecture on not telling him where I am.

"Blue, where are you? I've been worried, because you didn't tell me you were staying out last night," his loud voice was annoying, but I got out of bed and left the room so my boyfriends wouldn't wake up.

"I'm at a friend's house, we went out last night and I crashed at their place after," he wasn't happy with that answer.

"So was there any alcohol or drugs? Did you use any? These friends shouldn't have kept you out all night, they probably aren't great people," I rubbed my head as his yelling was giving me a headache.

"No, we weren't doing anything like that, we went out to the movies and then came back to his house to watch a few more. I was too tired to go home so I stayed here, sorry for not telling you," my feelings were a mess as he continued to be upset at me for going out without his permission, even though I am a twenty two year old.

"Get home as soon as you can and then we're talking about this," he's just gonna make up some stupid rule and try to cut me off from the outside world again, just because I didn't think to tell him about my whole fucking life.

"Fine, bye," I hung up before he could get mad at how bored I sounded while saying that.

I walked into the bedroom where my boyfriends are still sleeping and gave them each a kiss on the forehead, before leaving a small note that I have to go home. Silently I hoped that they'd wake up and keep me from leaving or at least walk me home, but they both continued to sleep peacefully. While walking home I started to cry, it didn't make sense why, but it just started and then rain began to fall.

Upon arriving home I was soaked, cold and on the edge of a mental breakdown, but I had to listen to my brother still. He saw me enter and sat me down on the sofa, not even caring that I was shiving and soaked. I knew he was drunk just by the smell, he'd clearly gotten drunk when I was on my way home, apparently I walked too slow.

"You fucking idiot, you can't just go out at night," his words were slurred and I didn't want to sit around near his stench of alcohol.

"Sorry, I'm gonna go to my room now," he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt as I went to leave and threw me down on the coffee table, blood poured out of my head from where it hit the table and I stumbled into the bathroom shortly after.

I dabbed a wet cloth against the cut and it turned red immediately, making me panic about how much blood I was losing. The blood kept coming, even after I bandaged up the injury, so I texted Dream about what to do with bleeding injuries. Both Ink and Dream were heard over the phone moments later, Dream had called and I picked up.

"Blue, what happened? How much blood have you lost? I could come over if you want," Dream sounded frantic and I wanted him to calm down.

"I'm not sure how much blood I've lost, but my brother is drunk and he ended up shoving me into the coffee table. My head hit one of the corners and started bleeding," both of them sounded like they were crying and I wanted to be there with them, so they could take me away from this hell of a house.

"You should call an ambulance and maybe the police too," I knew that was coming, they've told me to a few times now, especially when I had to hide in my room while he looked for me to rape me, he'd been on something strong that night.

"I'll be fine, I just need to stop the bleeding," both of them sighed in defeat, knowing I wouldn't turn my brother in that easily.

"I guess just try to keep pressure on it, we'd really love to come over and help you, but we know we can't," smiled at the thought of being in their arms and wished it could be true.

"Yeah, I want to be with you guys too," I could hear soft crying on the other end of the phone and I wished that they'd stop crying over me.

"Well, bye. See you as soon as possible," they hung up and left me alone to try and stop the bleeding from my forehead, eventually it worked, but I ended up passing out anyway.

When I woke up I was still on the bathroom floor and a slight puddle of blood was around me, so I got up and had a shower. Once I was clean, I cleaned the floor and then went to my room to get dressed. The world felt like it was in slow motion as I entered my room and felt dizziness hit me, so I stumbled downstairs after changing and saw my brother sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Hey Blue," I could hardly hear him through the ringing in my ears and I wanted to cry, but I dropped onto the floor like a board.

After blacking out twice I was taken to the hospital by my now sober brother, who didn't realize he caused the damage until I told him to stay away from me. It clearly hurt him, but I'd been hurt so many times at that point that he deserved some pain too. Plus he wasn't the one in the hospital bed with what was apparently just barely a non-fatal injury.

I was given my phone after a bit and I texted my boyfriends right away, telling them I was in the hospital and wanted to see them. When they showed up they were in tears and they saw how the now uncovered damage that went across my forehead. It was bound to leave a scar and it was a reminder of my brother's drunken abuse to me, because he was told to stay away from me after this.

-1283 words

Hope you enjoyed

I freaking don't know what my gender is anymore, like I was born a girl and that doesn't feel right, but I don know if I identify as a they/them or if I like he/him pronouns more. Plus I'm totally jealous that one of my friends is getting a binder for their chest, I want one, but don't know how to tell my parents about my discomfort with my gender. When it comes to talking, I'm the worst, so that will probably get in the way.

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