Day 19 - All The Possiblities

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Blue's POV

They don't love me, do they? I'm just a waste of space that is weighing them down. I doubt they love me, because there isn't any reason to. Everyone would be happier if I wasn't around, I'm just making them stressed. It's my fault that they feel the need to take care of me.

Ink and Dream would appreciate not having to have me as their boyfriend anymore, due to my inability to do anything right. I should just disappear and die, that would help them be happier. Slowly I got up and locked myself in the bathroom, we have a few irons in there, along with some scissors for opening packages we bring to use in here.

It didn't take long for me to get my hands on the scissors and I turned on the iron, preparing to burn myself perhaps to death. First I cut my arms open with the scissors while I waited for the iron to heat up. Once it was hot enough to burn me I pressed it against my left arm, slowly burning the whole thing. Although I should have realized the smoke from burnt bone would set iff the smoke detector and make Dream and Ink aware of what I'm doing.

"Blue!? What's burning? Please let us in," Dream desperately knocked on the door and I unlocked it, while continuing to burn myself.

"We should check if it's locked or not," I wished it would work faster, but my hand got shaky from the pain and I dropped the iron.

My blood was boiled in that one spot and I felt faint, however I still had enough strength to grab the scissors. Quickly I cut over my burns and started to feel tears drip down my face against my will. Finally the door opened and I heard my boyfriends scream, clearly they didn't expect the blood.

"Blue, talk to us, please," Dream had dropped down onto his knees and was trying to heal my cuts and burns, his voice was more broken than I expected.

"Shit, Blue why? We love you so much," suddenly I was picked up, although I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak and I felt as though I'd faint at any moment.

The feeling of being teleported somewhere happened and yet I don't know where we went from how clouded my vision is. More healing magic was used on me and it stung when they cleaned at parts of my injuries, so the long process the had with cleaning was hell. Eventually I passed out, although I don't remember when that was and I don't know if I want to know what happened while I was unconcious,

When I woke up it was in a room I don't recognize and it seemed to be more organized than I'm used to from living with Ink and Dream. Slowly I sat up and got a better look at it, it had almost nothing in it, looking more like a guest room than a bedroom. The walls were brown and there was a closet, besides the bed I'm in there is nothing else in the room.

"You're awake, I'll go tell them," when I heard the voice I looked towards the doorway, where Cross was standing.

He left and a few minutes later Dream and Ink ran into the room, both hugging me tightly. I recieved several hugs and kisses before they pulled away from me, tears slipping down their faces. Gulit hit me, because I know it's my fault that they're crying and it was all my actions that led to this.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done what I did. I only did it because I thought that me being around was annoying," both of them heard me and I received several affectionate kisses.

"Blue please don't hide how you're feeling again, we worry when you get hurt because we never want to lose you," Dream was conveying both of their feelings through his words and I felt the need to assure them that I won't do it again.

"I promise I won't do it again and I'll come to one of you to talk out my feelings if I need to be reassured on how loved I am," it's clear that they're proud of me for how I'm changing for the better.

"As long as you keep your promise all will be good," I smiled at him, but I wonder what would have happened if I had died instead.

-757 words 

Hope you enjoyed

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