Day 6 - What Haunts You

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Dream's POV

My head was resting against my knees and tears kept pouring down my face, silently I hoped my boyfriends would get home. They had gone out to buy some Christmas gifts, I thought I would be fine on my own and I was very wrong. The day my brother ate the black apple is on repeat in my mind and it's the cause for my breakdown.

"Dreamy, we're home," I heard Ink yell from downstairs in the kitchen and waited on the floor of our bedroom for him and Blue to come support me.

"Dream, where are you? Please come out," Blue yelled moments later, but my legs feel like jelly and the tears are blocking my vision.

I kept crying and it didn't take too long for the two of them to enter our bedroom, when I saw them walk in I reached out for them. Both of them ran over to me and hugged me tightly, letting me sob against their chests.

"Dream it's okay, we're here now," Ink soothed me with his calm voice and I clung onto him and Blue with my small amount of strength.

"Ink's right, so just let it all out and we'll be here to make you feel better," Blue rubbed my back and I continued to cry uncontrollably.

After a while I stopped crying and started to fall asleep in my boyfriends arms, they both held onto me. They make me feel safe and it's just what I needed right now, so with their comforting acts I fell asleep.

-259 words 

Hope you enjoyed

I'm actually writing in advance for this challenge now and that means it shouldn't all be overly rushed anymore.

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