Day 17 - Late Afternoon Light

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Blue's POV

I noticed that the sun was setting and I really wanted to go watch it set, so I ran to find my boyfriends. Ink was cuddling into Dream's side while he read a book, it honestly looked really comfortable. Maybe after watching the sun set we can come back and cuddle, that does sound like a good plan.

"Hey, can we go out and watch the sunset? It looks like it's gonna be really pretty," Dream seemed to consider it, but Ink appeared to be asleep already.

"I guess we can, first we have to wake up Ink though," he started to shake Ink awake and it didn't take long for him to start to stir.

"What do you want? I'm tired," Ink mumbled out, resting his head on Dream's shoulder.

"To go out for a walk on the beach and watch the sunset," I told him as he rubbed at the lid of his eye sockets.

"Fine, just give me a minute," we watched as he sleepily got up and hugged me, sticking his face in my scarf.

"Alright, we're ready with our sleepy head," Ink seemed far too tired to walk by himself so I picked him up and carried him bridal style, he just continued to cuddle up to me.

"Blue, you're lucky that you get to carry Ink," I giggled a little and looked down at Ink, he just barely was awake.

"Yeah," softly I kissed his forehead and he snuggled closer to me, mumbling incoherent words.

"Well let's go before I sit back down," Dream reminded me of our walk, as I had gotten distracked by the cute boy in my arms.

"Of course, we should hurry before we miss it," on our way out I grabbed my jacket and a blanket for Ink,although Dream had to hold Ink while I got it on.

We walked down to the beach rather quickly, almost sprinting there and honestly I would've sprinted if I wasn't carrying Ink. I don't want to accidently drop him, he'd be mad if I did that and then I wouldn't get to enjoy the cuteness of him being sleepy. Ink get's really cuddly when he's tired so I don't want to disturb his sleep, espeically since he's cuddling up to me like a cat.

After arriving I sat down on the rocks and looked out at the almost completely set sun, Ink was still sleeping on my lap. Dream however was cuddled up to my arm that was farthest from Ink, he looked a bit tired too. I pulled him closer so his head would be rested against my shoulder, quickly he relaxed into that position and I felt him lean his whole weight on me as he fell asleep.

The sky was bright pink and the closer to the sun the light was the more yellow it got, making a pink, orange and yellow gradient. It's too bad that Ink and Dream fell asleep before they got to see it, but they are my sleepy heads. Now that I think about it, how do I carry both of them home?

I'll figure it out, they aren't that heavy after all. Carefully I used one arm to lift Ink up and onto my back, while I used my magic to lift Dream up. It took a lot to use my magic to carry Dream without dropping him and to carry Ink at the same time. The second I opened the door I laid Dream on the sofa and closed the door with my foot.

I set Ink down beside him, just before I headed to our bedroom to get into my pajamas and to get theirs. Once I was changed I brought their clothes down and changed them, blushing the whole time from seeing their naked bodies. After that was done I cuddled up beside them and went to sleep from overexerting my magic.

-655 words

Hope you enjoyed

I did it as a sunset because where I live the sun start to set around 4pm and is down by 5:30pm, so it's kind of late afternoon. Just two more days of school until the 3 week break.

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