Day 1 - Ugly Sweater

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Ink's POV

Dream, Blue and myself are going to a Christmas party later this evening, so we need ugly sweaters for the competion I heard we're going to have. So I just need to convice my boyfriends that this will be a great idea and then we can get to working on our sweaters.

"Dream, Blue we can make our own sweaters for the party," they looked over at me when I began talking and then started smiling.

"Sure Inky," Dream agreed and Blue nodded his head, looking a lot like a bobblehead.

"Alright, let's get started right away," I dragged them to my room where I create stuff, where materials are left all over for new projects.

All three of us spent a few hours putting together our ugly sweaters, when we finished we put them on with only an hour before the party left. Blue seemed so excited, while Dream held onto me hand and nervously picked at some old scars from battle.

"Do we really have to go? We could always just watch movies and cuddle all night," Blue looked towards Dream as Dream suggested not going, both of us know that he just realized that he'd be seeing his brother.

"Of course we do, we already promised to go," Blue chirped, not letting Dream pull out and avoid his problem with Nightmare.

"I-I just feel tired now," he was lying through his teeth and both of us knew that he was trying to find a way to not go to the party.

"Dream we know that's an excuse, you just don't want to see Nightmare," he started crying and we held him close to our bodies while we waited for him to calm down.

"I'm so scared he won't accept me as I am," Dream broke down more and we gently rubbed his back, but he remained upset.

Softly we took him over to the sofa and sat him down, letting him fully let everything out. Dream usually collapses when he cries heavily, his legs just shake too much when he's upset, we feel really bad for him. However he needs to deal with this eventually, we can't let him just avoid this and that means we have to force him to talk to his brother. We won't make him while he's crying though, that's just cruel.

Nightmare's POV

The party started half an hour ago and there has been no signs of the Star Sanses arriving. It is not like them to be late, prehaps something is going on or Dream just hates me so much that he won't even look at me in person. There is no way Dream could hate me though, right?

Suddenly the trio appeared, Dream clinging to Ink and Blue not skipping ahead like I expected, he was standing on the other side of Dream. Both of them looked guilty, while Dream looked overly upset and like he wanted to bolt out of the building.

"Dream, we know you we're anxious about coming here, but we promised to show up," I could just barely hear Blue telling Dream, that just made Dream look sadder though.

"It's fine, I'm just gonna go stay in a corner for the duration of the party," Ink and Blue let Dream leave them, going towards a mostly shaded corner, where he sat down.

I walked over to Dream and he tried to back up when he saw me, tears we're in his eye sockets. Without a word I sat beside him and over time he relaxed, getting used to my presence. So I decided to break the silence and find out what's wrong with him, because he usually is much more cheerful than this.

"So Dream, what's wrong? You've been upset since entering the party," he jumped from the sudden noise of my voice, as I'd been quiet for a while.

"It's just some anxiety," Dream refused to meet my gaze, but at least I got part of an answer.

"What are you anxious about? It's definitely not normal for you to be anxious," his fingers played with the hem of his sweater, that had clearly been made for this party.

"I don't want to talk about it, Ink and Blue made me feel a bit better before we showed up anyway. Plus I really would rather be cuddled up in blankets and watching Christmas movies," I smiled at what Dream would prefer to be doing, it's childish and exactly the sort of thing I'd expect from him.

"We could ditch the party and go watch movies, just don't forget to tell your friends," he went to get up, but then said something right before he did.

"You mean boyfriends," Dream is somehow dating two idiots, who probably aren't good for him and as his brother I must protect him.

"You're dating them? That means it's my job to tell them to never hurt you or they're dead," he snickered a little before looking at his two idiots who were dancing and clearly one of them was drunk.

"Don't ruin their festive mood, I just have to tell them about the movie," I sighed and gave up on beating his boyfriends shitless. Instead of attacking the two idiots, I followed Dream and watched Dream tell them what we were going to do.

We went upstairs and ducked into a room with a big TV, along with some sofas. Dream jumped onto one of the sofas and then grabbed the blanket that fell off from his jump. While I went to find a mobie, after awhile I found a disc for the movie The Grinch, I saw Dream childishly swing his legs and hug a pillow.

We spent quite a while watching the movie and near the end of the movie I realized Dream was sound asleep. I left him to his sleep and let myself snuggle up on the sofa, teleporting one of my books into my hand, so I could read in peace.

A very drunk Ink walked in, Blue half holding him up and looking around the room until his eyelights fell on Dream. Silently he crept across the room and picked Dream up, while Ink sat in the doorway. Blue smiled and waved at me as he carried Dream out of the room, before teleporting all three of them to their home.

-1060 words

Hope you enjoyed

Today has been way too long my Oneshots book got reported for something and I'm waiting to hear back from the people who control Wattpad if they'll let me have my story back, but I saved the whole thing on a google doc so I made another book and I'm just reposting it all. I really hope I get it back, but I might not. Also I'll be starting the 10 day angstcember challenge in a few days.

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