Day 26 - Daydream

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Dream's POV

Blue's peaceful sleeping form is leaning against the side of the sofa, even though it's the middle of the day. I know he didn't sleep well last night, because Ink was hyper and wouldn't calm down until the sun started to rise. We ended up canceling our plans to visit Outer and go to the movies, due to all of us being exhausted.

Right now Blue seems to be quite happy, so I wonder what he's dreaming about. Out of pure curiosity I sat down beside Blue and slipped into his dream, it was calm compared to our everyday lives. In the dream me and Ink were cuddling Blue, while a child played at our feet. If this was reality things would be different, but I think that's why Blue wants this.

It made me sad to know me and Ink are the reason this dream isn't real, but we can't have a kid. The war between the Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses is still going on, so we can't have any of our team in a situation where they can't fight. I kind of want a kid too, however I know better than to want a kid when I know we can't have one.

"Hey Blue wake up, it's lunch time," I softly woke up Blue to keep him from wanting that dream more than he already does.

"Hi Dream, guess I should go get some food," he got up and left the room, but I pretended that I didn't peek into his dream.

He acted normal and made lunch, before going out for a walk, just like everyday. I wish his dream could come true, I guess I'm dreaming of forbidden things too. Blue is just too perfect and we're making him live a life of constant war, without asking him what he wants. It makes me wish things could be more peaceful, so we could act like a couple instead of a team of fighters who are just together to defeat our enemies.

-339 words

Hope you enjoyed

I'm really trying to finish this, so just wait for the end a little longer.

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