Day 2 - Count Your Blessings

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Dream's POV

I was walking around the house, Ink and Blue are still sleeping, which means I'm alone for the time being. This bugs me, I really wish they were here with me and then they could make me feel better, because I feel pretty alone right now. Softly I sat down and laid my head on the kitchen counter, waiting for Ink or Blue to wake up.

If it weren't for them I'd already be dead, it makes me really glad that I met them and fell in love with them. Maybe I should go wake them up, then they could cheer me up again and then we could do something together.

"Dream, what are you doing up so early? It's four in the morning," I could finish my train of thought thanks to a very tired Ink showing up.

"I woke up and didn't want to wake either of you, so I just sat by myself out here, although I'm feeling quite lonely and kind of want to cuddle again," he smiled softly down at me, before leaving a kiss on my cheek and dragging me back to bed by my hand.

He wordlessly pulled me into bed and hugged me close to his body, Blue snuggling in from my other side. All three of us were basically making me into a blanket sandwich and I love this sort of affection. I'm so thankful to have them in my life.

-242 words

Hope you enjoyed

I really didn't know what to write with this prompt

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