Day 30 - Fireside

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Blue's POV

This morning I woke up to a cold house, immediately I went to look for the problem and saw that the heaters weren't working even when I tried to turn them on. So I went to the fireplace that we try not to use very often, due to Ink being clumsy and almost falling into it a lot. It took me a few minutes to get a decent amount of heat from the fire, but it won't be able to warm the house any time soon.

"Ink, Dream wake up, the heaters are broken and I don't want either of you to get sick with a cold," they both stired and woke shortly after, both clearly tired from being woken up early in the morning.

"I'm sleepy," Ink murmured, burrying his face into one of our pillows and I knew I would just have to carry them over to the fireplace.

Softly I lifted Ink into my arms and carried him downstairs, his pillow and blanket still clutched tightly in his hands. I dropped him onto the sofa and went back upstairs to grab an exhausted Dream, who burried his face in my chest as I carried him down to lay by Ink. Once I saw them both curl up with each other I went back upstairs to get my pillow and some more blankets that we are bound to need.

Ink was sound asleep before I even got back with the blankets, while Dream was letting him lay on his lap and snuggle. It was absolutely adorable to witness and I wished there was more space on the sofa for me. Sadly I had to lay on the floor, our rug however was almost as comfortable as a sofa cushion because Ink made it.

"Hey Dream, I'll call about getting the heaters fixed later today. I just don't think anyone else would be awake at four in the morning," he laughed at me a little before responding.

"The only person who wakes up this early in the morning, is you Blue," he kept laughing through his words, although it wasn't as much as before.

"Yeah, well enjoy cuddling Ink," I saw him smile and shortly after he fell asleep again.

So I sat around watching the fire and just as the sun started to rise I walked over to the window to watch. Enjoying the peace that comes just before the rest of the worlds wake up and begin their days.

-414 words

Hope you enjoyed

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