Day 11 - Ticket Home

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Female humans, mentions of sexual assult 

Blue's POV

I'm just heading for my flight home, as I was just visiting my brother and need to get back to my girlfriends. Dream is likely already done decorating without me and Ink is probably just enjoying all the Christmas cookies. Just to confirm I pulled out my phone and texted them, just to see how they're doing.

Blue: Hey I'll be getting on my flight soon, how's things at home?

Ink: Dream has a coffee rush and is running laps around the living room.

Blue: Well make sure that we still have a living room for when I get home, because I still have yet to get on my flight.

Ink: Lol, of course I'll keep him from too much destrution.

Blue: Alright, I'll text you if I need anything.

Slowly I looked around the airport and smiled when I saw a girl run over to her family, she probably just got home from going to university in a different country. I continued to walk until I found my flight, but something seemed off. A sign was hung by the door to enter, saying 'Flight Delayed due to oncoming snowstorm'.

The sign was clearly ment for today and that means I can't get home to my girlfriends right away, even though that's the only place I want to be right now. I pulled my phone back out and sent a picture of the sign to Ink.

Ink: So you won't be home later today?

Blue: I don't think I'll be home for at least another day, so I'll probably have to ask my brother to let me stay another night.

Ink: Okay, but be safe heading back and text me before you get on the plane.

Blue: I will, now go tell Dream so he doesn't worry too much.

Ink: Alright, talk to you later.

However I didn't go back to my brother, I could miss my flight if I go all the way back there and then they say it was only delayed for an hour or two. Dream will probably be disappointed that I might get home on Christmas or later, this trip wasn't supposed to last longer than it already has. I only came to see my brother because he has been having mental health problems and didn't know who else to turn to.

The day wore on and night hit eventually, leaving me to sleep at the airport. I woke up to my phone going off, it was my brother and I already know he's checking up on me. Against my better judgement I picked up my phone and answered his call.

"Hey bro, what's up? A bit late for you to call me," he's bound to freak out any second now, I put the phone a little ways from my head just in case.

"Why didn't you call me!? You said you'd call when you got home," I sighed as he continued his worried yelling.

"Bro, the flight got delayed due to some snow and I'm just waiting for the flight to be ready to go," his ranting stopped and I heard a faint clicking sound.

"Alright, I'll go back to boredly clicking through channels," that's what he's doing? He can be foolish sometimes.

"Bye," I hung up before he could start talking again and sighed, before closing my eyes again.

When I woke up this time I saw someone staring at me from just a seat away and it was an older man, which really creeped me out. Quickly I got up and grabbed the backbag I brought with me, practically sprinting off to the girls bathroom and locking the door. However I turned around to see several guys behind me, all of them were looking at my chest or my ass.

"Come here cutie, we'll give you a good time," I tried to unlock the door to the bathroom and discovered that someone was holding it closed from outside.

"I'm not interested, please let me go. I have a partner already and I refuse to cheat on them," deep down I knew letting these guys know I have two girlfriends could end up hurting me a lot, so I told a half truth.

"It won't take long, plus it's technically not cheating if you don't want to do it," that's when the fear set in completely and I used my phone to send a panicked text to my girlfriends, letting them know something bad is going to happen to me soon.

"Please stop," tears streamed down my face as they held my arms in place and removed my underwear, which made me start screaming in fear.

"Shut up," one of them yelled, slapping me harshly and I kicked with my leg that wasn't being held down as tightly as the other.

"Get your hands off me," they were getting closer to completely undressing me and my screams were quite loud as everything got worse, one of them started to push himself into me.

Suddenly the door swung open, making them all jump and move away from my body. A girl saw me and ran over, helping me up, while glaring at the men. Even though the guy was hardly pushing into me, my vagina aches and I was still crying. The front desk got alerted and the police were called, although I was told that I don't have to be involved at all.

The snow had stopped and I felt the hope of getting home rise within me, I unfortunately had already gone through something horrible. That's when I remembered that my girlfriends must be really worried about me, because all I sent was a panicked text. It was our code for I'm in danger and need help, it's so we can support each other.

Blue: Ink, Dream, something bad happened.

Ink: What happened? Don't be so vague.

Blue: My plane is going to be ready to leave soon, so I went to the bathroom and a bunch of guys cornered me.

Dream: What exactly did they do? We need more information Blue.

Blue: They almost raped me, but someone walked in and scared them off.

Ink: If I was there those guys would be dead. No one hurts either of my lovers and gets away with it.

Blue: I got to go get on my plane, I'll talk to you in person in a few hours.

Feeling stress, I got onto the plane and felt my stomach drop. There were several creepy looking guys on the plane, along with some other girls and some normalish guys. As I entered the plane all of the creepy guys looked at me, up and down. Quickly I rushed to my seat beside a short looking girl and hoped they wouldn't go after me first.

The whole flight was hell, the eyes were watching my every move and I felt terrified. Once we arrived at our destination, I rushed off the plane with my bag and got a taxi home. Dream and Ink hugged me tightly as I cried lightly into their shoulders, overjoyed to be home and in the arms of the ones I love.

-1192 words

Hope you enjoyed

Just finished this and it's okay, wish it was more thought out though.

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