Day 3 - Mistletoe

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Ink's POV

Before Dream and Blue got back home, I set up a lot of mistletoe and silently hoped that they would accept my feelings. I've been planning on confessing to them for awhile now, but I just found the courage to tell them. They should be back in around half an hour, so that means I have that long to prepare myself to ask them to be my boyfriends.

The whole time I was waiting for them I paced around the house, nervous that they might noot want to be with me. When the front door slammed shut I rushed over to them, they didn't notice my faint blush or my nervousness. Quickly I helped them put away what they bought, as they were just going out to get stuff for our Christmas dinner.

"Hey Ink, thanks for the help," I smiled at Blue after he thanked me, wishing I could be kissing him.

"No problem, I was just walking around the house and I've been bored," it felt slightly wrong to lie to him, but I'm gonna wait until we're under the mistletoe to ask them out.

All three of us walked out of the room and I noticed the mistletoe, blushing darkly. My mind raced as I thought of how to mention the mistletoe to them, but I decided on poking both of them and pointing up. Both of them blushed and looked unsure of who to kiss, so I leaned over to quickly leave a small kiss on both of their mouths.

"You planned this, didn't you? Just so you could kiss us," Dream seemed to get over the shock first and mentioned his theory.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you and Blue to date me, but didn't know how to ask," Dream kissed me again and Blue snapped out of his shock, just so he could lightly push Dream out of the way and then kiss me.

"Ink, you're a good kisser," Dream made me blush, as Blue continued to kiss me.

Blue finally pulled away, saliva connected our mouths and I wanted either one of their mouths against mine again. Dream smirked at me as I stared at them in a daze, my mind replaying the soft, yet passionate kiss. Quickly I stole one from Dream, he kissed me back and I felt Blue gently pull us apart when we started to get off track from our kiss.

"Now give me cuddles and we can even set up a movie," Blue was able to act childish after he showed me how good of a kisser he is, it's honestly shocking.

"Alright, you set it up, I'll get the snacks and Dream can find some blankets," all three of us split up at order and went to do our assigned task, blue basically made out with me when we finished our tasks.

Dream ended up showing up with the blankets halfway through our kiss and pushed us onto the sofa. He then jumped on us, making both of us squirm and try to get out from under him.

"You guys can't just make out without me," we both laughed, before flipping him off our bodies and making him fall on the floor.

"We can and we did, but if you want kisses that badly, come and get them," he jumped up onto the sofa and kissed both of us, taking his time to kiss each of us.

"Okay Dream, that was a good kiss and all, but I want to watch a movie," Blue stopped Dream from continuing to make out with him, that was after he was done kissing me.

"Okay, let's watch it," we all cuddled up together and pressed play.

- 618 words

Hope you enjoyed

Thought you guys would like some creepy Christmas songs, so here you go. It has an Undertale reference in each video with Flowey, Sans and Papyrus, which is just amazing.

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