Chosen vs Minecraft

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~The Chosen One's POV~

Silently looking over to the other side of the screen, I notice Alan to finally be away from the computer. Hoping down from the document that holds y castle, I head over to the tab button. Pushing it, I go through the apps to find something to do until Alan comes back.

Frowning, I notice one of the many games was just a generic cube that appeared to be dirt and grass. Picking up the cube, I drop it in surprise as a bar appears over me with a variety of items. Could this be the 'Minecraft thing' Second told me about before? Shrugging, I hop down to the block and pick it up.

Going through the items, I remember what Second told me to do if I ever grabbed the Minecraft Block. I grab the blocks that looked interesting and threw them to the ground. After a couple of seconds, I throw the Minecraft Block back to its place and pick up the items that I threw down. Looking up, I notice the items in a bar above me.

One of the blocks intrigued me in particular. The bottom of the block appeared black with purple highlights. The tops corners had diamond colored corners and a book floating in the middle. The block's name was "Enchantment Table". Placing one down, I try to figure out what to do next.

"Maybe it has to do with magic? Should I click it?" I started mumbling to myself out loud. Frustrated, I punched the enchantment table, and a box popped up. It had a bunch of empty boxes. One of them had an outline of one of the items I already had. Lapis lazuli, a blue sort of rock. I placed a few in the slot with the outline. The other box, I decided to just put in a book. It worked. The other boxes now had weird writing, but when I hovered over them, there would be words saying things like "silk touch" and "feather falling". I pushed on the "silk touch" button, but nothing happened.

It took me a few minutes to notice what I did wrong. In small writing, there was a note saying exp was needed. Knowing I was for once out of my depth, I reluctantly went over to the other computer where Second and his friends mostly hung around. I noticed the five of them watching YouTube. Awkwardly, I move over to behind Second and tap him on the shoulder.

"Hey, you wanna hang out?" Second softly asks, not wanting to disturb the others.

"I just have a Minecraft question?" I ask, not as soft. The others paused the video and turned to watch our exchange. I hate being watched.

"Sure, what is it?" He asks as if he wasn't being stared down by a bunch of other stick figures.

"Just was wondering what exp meant," I ask as I bowed my head. I probably looked so stupid.

"Exp is orbs of experience you get when you smelt certain items or kill mobs." Second began to explain.

"Also there are bottles of exp," blue interjected. Second and I both glared at him for interrupting our conversation. Although his suggestion did remind me of something. Scrolling through the bar, I stop on a glowing bottle that said "bottle of exp".

"This?" I asked, unsure. All of them nodded, so I simply left. No need to embarrass myself further. Hopping to the other computer, I drink a bunch of the exp bottles. As I open the enchantment table and push the silt ouch button again, it worked. A shiny book came out that said silk touch.

"Now what?" I asked myself as I scrolled through my inventory, pausing on the anvil item. Out of curiosity, I place it. It appeared like an anvil. Clicking on it, a similar box appeared, but with fewer boxes. I put my silk touch book in it and a pickaxe. Clicking on the output, I got a shiny pickaxe.

Having a grand idea, I start enchanting books and using the anvil to enchant items from the books. It didn't take long for me to get a full set of protection four armor and a god sword. Putting the armor on, I start practicing with the sword. I got so into it that I didn't notice Alan coming into the room. Usually, I would scurry back to the castle and stay out of sight.

As I noticed the mouse icon move, I realized Alan was here, which meant he saw me practicing. Gulping I look over to the other side of the screen. Instead of the enrage look I was expecting, he looked happy. He only gave me a small smile before turning his attention to the other computer with Second and his friends. Shrugging, I continue to practice.

Later, Yellow came over and built me a contraption for me to store my enchanted items. He told me that the others were happy that I found my own thing to do with Minecraft. He asked if I could teach him and the others sometime how to enchant. For some reason, I decided to agree to teach them about enchanting.

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