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~The Dark Lord's POV~

Sneaking into the animator's computer was not how I expected to spend the afternoon. It's been almost nine years since my creation. Ever since I teamed up with Chosen, the need to destroy everything and everyone has been overwhelming. Last time I saw Chosen, I hurt him pretty badly. We still fight, but I no longer have the gauntlet anymore. I know he went to the animator. It's the only place I would have not followed him.

As I hid in the shadows of the screen, I watched Chosen and his weak colored friends play with some colored blocks. Looking at the orange stick figure, I shivered knowing how powerful he is from experience. Well, I need to choose my victim. The red one that has the same color as me appears to be the wink link of the group.

Luring one of his bunnies to me was easy. Red came over to herd the stray bunny to the rest of them. The others weren't watching. I took the chance to leap at Red and cover his mouth. He struggled as I dragged him towards my exit. Thankfully, Second and the others didn't notice Red's distress.

As we went through the wifi to where I lived, I felt small droplets of water against my hands. Could Red be crying? Shaking my head, I drag him to the basement and tied him up in a chair. I didn't gag him; I needed him to talk.

"What do you want from me?" Red cried out.

"How is Chosen. Is he adjusting well? Is the animator enslaving him?" I started to interrogate him.

"Well, Chosen usually likes to stay in the castle Alan made him." Red stuttered, sounding panicky.

" Castle?" I asked, interrupting Red. "What castle?"

"Well, when Chosen came to the computer injured, Alan made Chosen a castle to live in while he stayed on the computer. Chosen is doing okay from what I can see. He just doesn't like Alan or any of the rest of us. He's okay with Second." Red stuttered like crazy. Interesting. It appears as if the animator has changed tactics. Maybe he is waiting to lure them into a false sense of security.

"What about Second?" I ask angrily.

"Second? He's okay. He loves helping Alan animate. It's sort of their time together."

"The animator is not forcing Second to help him animate?" I ask, confused.

"Well, yeah. Alan doesn't force any of us to do anything. If anything the pressure is usually from us trying to get him to hang out with us more." Red explained. The more he talked, the more confused I got. Isn't the animator a monster; that's what Chosen told me.

Frustrated, I take Red back to the animator's computer. Second and Chosen stood there with the rest of the colored gang as if they were waiting for me.

"What were you doing with Red?" Chosen yelled at me.

"That's none of your business!" I yelled back, angry at him for leaving me. We could be ruling the internet if he didn't betray me.

"Hey, let's all calm down. Dark, can you let go of Red?" Second calmly interjected. Frustrated, I let go of Red. Red scurries behind Second. Marching towards the exit, I'm surprised Chosen didn't stop me to force an explanation.

Looking back one last time, I smile at how well Chosen seems to fit with the group. Maybe he'll be okay without me. I leave the animator's computer, satisfied for now.

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