Sleepy Orange

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~The Second Coming's POV~

Snuggling under the covers, I once again refused to get out of bed for Chosen. He's been trying for the last half hour with no luck. Smirking, I let go of the blanket for just one second.

"Ah-ha!" Chosen proclaimed as he ripped the sheets off of me. Shrieking, I try to pull them back. Chosen wins, and I slunk back to the mattress. "Just get up! It's not that hard!"

"No, I'm hibernating!" I whine out. I just want to stay in bed. Is that so hard to understand?

"What? It's not that cold out! And you're not even an animal!" Chosen growled back at. Glaring at him, I groan in annoyance.

"I can be whatever I want to be!" I yell at him.

"Just get out of bed!"


"Urg...That's it." Chosen groaned as he picked me up, bridal style. I almost wanted to snuggle into his warm body, but that would be giving in to him.

"P-Put me down!" I yell at him, crossing my arms. Chosen just chuckles as he carries me out of my mansion and to the desktop.

"No,"Chosen simply said as he carried me to the group, without letting me down to the ground. Everyone started chuckling at me, and I started sulking.

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