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~The Second Coming's POV~

Slouching against the side of the timer window, I tried to keep from falling asleep. For the first time in all our build battles, Chosen decided to participate. Even Alan was watching. All of us were together having fun. As the timer hit zero, everything went wrong. Alan quickly brought out the control panel and deleted Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. He put Chosen in chains as a slave. Before I could do anything, I was in a box created by Alan with the cursor approaching.

Gasping, I launch myself from the orange and black-clad sheets. It was all just a nightmare. Hoping out of my document, I first hed over to the stick fight browser to check on my friends. Each of them was safely in their beds asleep. Taking a deep breath, I go over to the other computer. A simple jump and I was in the document with Chosen's castle. Looking in his room, I see him sleeping soundly. He looked peaceful, not afraid.

As I close the door, I decide to check on Alan. He often sleeps close to his phone. With my mind made-up, I head into the dropbox and hop into Alan's phone. Opening up a timer, I set it for a second ass a make-shift alarm. It took a few tries to get Alan's attention. Eventually, Alan held up the phone to see why I was waking him up.

"What's up Sec? " Alan asked while yawning.

Opening up the notepad, I spelled out "nightmare".

"Oh," he whispered. He got out of bed and started heading to the basement. As he got close to the computer, I went through the dropbox again to get to the computer. He opened up the paint app.

"Want to talk about it?" He typed out. I nodded slowly.

"In the dream, we were all having fun doing a build battle. Even Chosen was with us. Then you deleted Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. Then you enslaved Chosen and trapped in me in a box. After that, I woke up." I explained with my text.

"To be honest, I have had similar nightmares. It's like I get possessed and then start hurting you guys. It breaks my heart to even think about hurting you guys, even Dark." Alan types out. I realize that maybe I'm not the only one with these fears.

"Yeah, but Dark is a jerk," I exclaim through text.

"Yes, but he just needs help" Alan types for me to see. "Want to play a game?"

"Can we animate something?" I ask. Alan nods before pulling up the animation we were working on before. Well, recreating the animation that got destroyed by Virabot. We worked in sync till morning when Alan's wife called down that breakfast was ready. Feeling much better I go over to Chosen's castle.

Feeling brave, I knock on Chosen's door. After a few seconds, Chosen opened the door looking extremely annoyed.

"What?" He loudly exclaimed. Flinching I explain my nightmare to him, he still looked annoyed.

"Okay, you had a nightmare. Why are you bothering me? Go bother that stupid animator!" He hissed angrily at me.

"I did, and he told me that he has similar nightmares. I know you're scared of Alan," I start with Chosen scoffing at me. "But Alan is terrified of hurting us. He told me that hurting us would break his heart, even if it was Dark."

"I doubt that," Chosen scoffed at me.

"Ask him if you don't believe me," I stated as I leave. I want Chosen and Alan to get along, but it seems that is still a long ways from now.

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