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~The Chosen One's POV~

The chain around my ankle felt too familiar. Looking past the screen, I see Alan with a dark smirk. With the flick of his wrist, the mouse icon throws me across the screen. Was he angry at me?

"Why are you doing this?" I ask through my text.

"You're my slave. I'll do what I want." Alan typed. After he dragged me by the ball and chain to a word document. Realizing what he wants me to do, I reluctantly use my powers to destroy the pop-up ads while he works. After a while, he used the chain to pull me to the Paint app. He drew a bunch of guns and used them to shoot me. As I was about to dodge, the mouse icon held me still.

Gasping, I jump out of bed. Frantically, I rub at my ankle where the chain used to be. For the next few hours, I let myself cry. It must have been near morning when I woke up because at some point Alan brought my castle up to check on me. As I saw him through the screen, I backed up, remembering my nightmare.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alan typed. I simply wrap my arms around myself and my knees to my chest. "Did you have a nightmare?" Alan typed. Nodding, I saw Alan looked concerned.

A few minutes later, a pair of orange arms wrapped themselves around me. I looked down to see Second hugging me. "Alan told me you had a nightmare and needed a hug. He said to tell you he's sorry. Wrapping my arms around him, I take a deep calming breath.

A few minutes went by, and I pulled myself from his hug. I needed to talk to Alan. It's a conversation I've been avoiding for a while.

"I'm going to go talk to Alan, okay?" I tell Second as I leave. Second nods and lets me leave. Hoping down from my castle, I wave my arms to get Alan's attention.

"Hey, you okay?" Alan typed in the Paint app. Hoping up to it, I nodded.

"The was about you enslaving me... and then killing me. You're not going to do that again? Right?" I ask through my text, terrified of his answer.

"Of course I won't. I swear I will never hurt, enslave, or kill you ever. You are so important to me. The thought of anyone hurting you is painful to even think about. I swear I will always do my best to keep you safe." Alan typed. Looking at his words, I start to tear up. Looking at him, I hug the mouse icon. He smiles at me and nods.

A few minutes later, Second came to draw with Alan. Leaving them to it, I knew Alan and I were in a better place. I never thought I would ever move on, but maybe I have. Looking back at Alan and Second working on animation, I smile at how much better this Alan is from the Alan that created me.

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