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~Red's POV~

Skipping across the screen, I ran across the Minecraft game. I felt myself pause and go back to the icon. I look up to see Chosen, Second, and the other stick figures running to me, yelling no as I grabbed the icon. Twitching, my arms moved to attack the five with ease, Herobrine was in control again. As I looked at Chosen, the screen glitched to be me tied up in a chair in the dark with Dark Lord holding a knife to me.

Gasping, I wake up in my red-clad room. Tears streamed down my face as I hiccuped. No way could I tell the others. They already freaked out when I got possed and kidnapped. They would be livid if they knew I was having nightmares. They would never leave me alone.

I hopped out of the stick fighting game where the others, except Second and Chosen, and I lived. Taking a deep breath, I hop over to the computer where Chosen lived. We're not close, so he wouldn't care if I hung around his computers to avoid the others coddling.

Leaning against the edge of the screen, I crumple down and start sobbing. Pulling my arms around my legs, I find myself as small as possible. My breathing quickens as it becomes harder to breathe. A tingling sensation ran down my arms; it became impossible to think.

A cold hand gently touched my shoulder. Looking up, I met Chosen's eyes. Expecting harsh words, I flinched when he pulled me into a hug.

"I got you," Chosen whispered to me as he held me in his arms. We stayed like that for a few minutes until my breathing evened out. "Now why are you crying in the corner?" he asked as he let go of me.

" Nightmare," I quickly answered before looking down.

"I figured that out. I meant why are you crying in the corner of the screen of this computer and not talking to one of your friends. Even Alan would be better at this than me." Chosen ranted at me, placing his hand against his forehead.

"Sorry," I whimpered.

"Doesn't matter. You're here now. So tell me; what nightmare was bad enough that you came to me?" Chosen asked, looking at me slightly annoyed.

"Don't want to talk about it," I mumbled barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Fine," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. He pulled me over to his castle and through a bunch of doors. AS we entered through one final black door, I found myself surrounded by fluff. Chosen smirked as he let go of me, and I grabbed a bunny to cuddle with.

"Have fun!" He yelled as he left, leaving me with the hoard of bunnies, kittens, and puppies. They were a mixture of Minecraft animals and animals from other games. Maybe Chosen has a soft spot for animals like me. It didn't take long for me to drift into a dreamless sleep surrounded by fluff in all directions.

As morning came, Chosen woke me up so I can quickly join the others for whatever adventure we had today. I asked Chosen if he wanted to join, he said he had other things to do than babysit a bunch of kids. Shrugging, I left the castle and hopped over to the other computer. The others gave me a hug, explaining that Chosen told them that I had a nightmare and needed some TLC.

I smile at the thought that Chosen cared enough to willing to leave his castle to talk to the others about my problems. Throughout the day, I saw from the corner of my eye Chosen to keep an eye on us from the edge of the screen. Maybe he's worried about Dark Lord kidnapping me again, or maybe he just cares about us enough to keep an eye on us.

Life Inside The Computer (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now