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For the last time, my name is Chosen, not Black! Chosen looked at Dark in frustration. His entire posture was rigged. The only thing keeping him from ripping a hole in Dark was one small cursor.

Youre just a big meanie! Dark childishly spat back. He was a bit confused on a few things, but he was trying his best to bounce back from his amnesic incident that no one wanted to talk about.

I cant take this! Just shut up Dark! Chosen seethed, sparks could be seen dancing around his fingers.

[Chosen, please calm down] Alan typed out. He was very quickly losing control of the situation. His cursor was the only thing keeping the two from fighting.

My name isnt Dark! My color is red, so that makes me Other Red. Dark yelled stubbornly before storming off. Chosen sighed in frustration as he went to follow. Maybe checking on the others would be a nice break. Once at the main computer, they found no one.

Wheres Red? I wanted to see my bro! Dark loudly complained. Chosen sighed and looked over to Alan for support. The duo looked at each other, unsure how to deal with Dark anymore. As that happened, Dark was looking around at the couch and barbeque Blue sometimes set up. As all this happened, a gray stick jumped down from an open internet browser.

I passed! I got my GED test! I can go to college! Victim shouted as he yayed.

Great, but can we focus on that after we find my brother and his friends? Dark asked, annoyed. He had no idea what a GED or what college was, but that didn't matter when his brother was missing.

Second is missing? Victim asked, a bit out of the loop.

He means Red apparently, Chosen groaned. Victim looks at the two sticks confused before shrugging.

[Maybe they decided to take an impromptu trip to the internet?]

Interspace. Chosen corrected Alan. Chosen looked down at not thinking of that before. Those sticks jumped into danger without a second thought. Grabbing the other two sticks arms, CHosen led them to the other computer that had the open portal to the interspace, and the program that allowed Alans cursor to come with them.

As they entered the interspace, no one noticed the figures come onto the computer they just left.

Life Inside The Computer (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now