Lucky Blocks Aftermath

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The stick figures often spared daily. Each one loved it. Red or Second would almost always win. But that didn't matter. It was the time they spent together. Then they found the lucky blocks. They took a couple of days off from sparing to recuperate, and then they resumed. But something was off. Red would flinch often while sparing. Once the others noticed, Red would just brush it off. Then Red would find excuses to not spar, hesitate to enter group hugs, and flinched at any unexpected touch. One night, Red asked to talk to Alan alone.

~Red's POV~

"I know they won't hurt me, but I can't help but expect it. I want to spar with them, but every time I see them when they were possessed. I don't know what to do." Red explained to Alan, using a new plugin Yellow created so the stick figures could talk directly to Alan. I could see Alan tilt his head before moving his hands to the keyboard.

"I think you need to tell the others. Remember when Chosen came to the computer? He was terrified of me. But we got better. It took time and effort from both of us. You can't get better if you go through this alone. If they get too much, just tell me. Okay?" Alan typed out. Nodding, I head off to the others.

"Hey, so you're probably wondering what's happening with me?" They nodded along. "Well, the lucky blocks fight affected me pretty badly. When we spar, I can't help but see the possessed versions of you. I get scared when you touch me suddenly or when we hug. I know it's irrational, but I can't help it." I confess while looking down. An orange pulled my head back up.

"Hey, we're with you. whatever you need, you got it." Smiling, I grab Second into a hug.

"Thank you," I whisper.

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