Victim vs Minecraft

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~Victim's POV~

It was late at night when everyone was asleep when I decided to randomly skip across the screen. I usually sleep during the day, so during the nights, I rule the computer.

"Hm, what's this?" I ask myself as I step on a grass block on the taskbar. Stepping off it and on it again, I see the same bar of items show itself above me. Grabbing it, I remember seeing Chosen and the others play around with this game. Minecraft is what it's called.

Smiling, I scroll through the items and grab a bunch of items, knowing exactly what I wanted to build. As I put the Minecraft icon back in the taskbar, I jump in excitement to grab the items. I quickly grab the items and began speed building.

~A few hours later~

I look in pride at my build. I don't usually interact with the others, but maybe I can make an exception. Running over to Chosen's mansion, I run in to wake Second up.

Knocking loudly on his door, Second opens it up with groggy "What?"

"I made something, can please come to see it?" I plead at Second.

"Fine, I'll get the others. Do you want Chosen to come also?" Second groggily ask. I nod furiously. Yawning, he heads past me to gather everyone.

I skip down to my build to wait for everyone. As everyone gathered in front of my build, they gasp. Chosen immediately tries to leave, but I grab his hand to keep him here.

"What is that?" Blue asked, tentatively.

"This is my super maze! Almost impossible to finish!" I proclaim with my arms in the air. The others looked sheepish about entering. Second looked at me, then entered the maze. The others reluctantly followed. Chosen refused to enter.

"Can you please at least try?" I plead. He looks at me annoyed before entering the maze. Smirking, I run to my glass walkway over the top so I could see everything.

The maze was relatively hard. There were fake routes, parkour, and redstone. They split up and kept hitting dead ends. Whenever they went near died, they would respawn at the beginning of the maze. A little coding I did for the maze and made sure it would only last the day. Afterward, they would respawn in their regular areas.

At one point, Alan came on confused with the maze on his desktop. I shrug at him, unable to talk. He simply rolls his eyes and moves to the other computer to do his animating. Second is going to be devastated that Alan did some animating without him.

Eventually, they finished, with Second in the lead and Chosen not far behind. Green finished with Yellow and Blue not far behind. Red took the longest, and he needed the most help through the maze. As soon as Second left the maze, he told me a quick congrats before running to the other computer to help Alan. Yellow and Green gave me compliments on my build. Chosen just ran off to his castle, while Blue and Red ignored me in favor of going to their rooms to rest.

Proud of my accomplishment, I quickly took a bunch of TNT to blow the maze up. As much as I like building, explosions are also quite fun. As I finished, I head to the little house that Alan drew up for me. Climbing into bed, I drift into sleep, happy I got to have fun with the other stick figures.

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