Things go bad, in a big way

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~Second's POV~

I yawned as I followed Chosen across the desktop. I didn't notice him stopping, so I ended up ramming into him. Looking at him, I rubbed my eyes. Why did we have to train so early?

"Okay, so we're going to do some flight training. I'll hold you steady in the air, but I want you to concentrate on flames in your hands to try and hover." Nodding, I felt Chosen to grab me and fly up a few feet and started to hover.

~Dark's POV~

After my humiliating defeat, I decided to do some research on that orange stick figure. After a couple of weeks, I sneaked onto the computer and hid behind an icon. Watching the orange stick figure and Chosen interact, I realized something. First, the name of the orange stick figure was 'The Second Coming'. I found that by discreetly looking through the taskbar. Second, he had no control over his powers. He couldn't even hover on his own! Watching Chosen leave frustrated, I snuck behind Second, grabbed him, making sure to cover his mouth so he wouldn't scream. Pulling him through the portal as he struggled in my grip, I smirked at the possibilities.

Flying to my much larger lab, I went immediately to the main lab where I made a device to hack into a stick's code. Now appears to be the perfect opportunity. Strapping Second into the device, I hopped onto the chair in front of the main computer. Looking through its code, I easily found the powers and the walls around it. Deleting those walls, I worked on a variety of additions to make it the perfect weapon. Making a new black wristband, I connected Second's code to it so I can add anything on the fly. I should be able to do small changes remotely, and complete control in close contact.

Once I felt I was as good as I could get it, for now, I grabbed the unconscious Second, probably passed out with the pain of having its code rewritten, I flew up back into Alan's PC. Setting it down on the ground, I flew up to watch the chaos below.

I could see those colored stick figures walk onto the screen. Great, I only coded Second to destroy The Chosen One. Well, nothing I can't fix. I head back to the PC, ready to end CHosen once and for all.

~Blue's POV~

We just finished our tenth game of Uno in a row, when Red asked if we should see if Orange and Chosen were done with their training, and see if either would like to join in on a game of Uno. As we reached the desktop, I saw a prone Orange sleeping on the ground. Great, not again. Well, at least he was easy to find this time.

"Come on guy, let's get Orange to bed. Training must have been tiring today." As Green and I reached to pick up Orange, Orange shifted. As he opened his eyes, they were bright green. Startled, I fall back.

~The Dark Lord's POV~

Those weaklings didn't even notice me as I flew above them. With a few buttons, I gave Second a command to attack the stick figures. I watch as he pulls back to attack...then doesn't? What? I search through Second's code to find the source of the problem. Sympathy! Of course, that's the problem. Well, time to get rid of it. I watch as Second struggles as I type dozens of new codes to override his sympathy and compassion. There, now he should be able to attack.

With excitement, I watch him blast those weaklings away. No one messes with The Dark Lord! With a smirk, I watch Second gear up for another attack. Leaning forward, I nearly gasp as a black figure tackles Second and another one, slightly lighter color, moves in front of the weaklings.

~Chosen's POV~

I watch in surprise as Second not only uses his powers but uses them to blast his friends. I look around a see Victim heading to protect the squad. Racing forwards, I tackle Second to the ground. At first, I was confused, as I had to defend myself from Second. Then I looked up. Of course Dark is behind this. Groaning, I turn my attention to Second, only to get pinned to the side of the desktop.

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