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~The Second Coming's POV~

For the last month, I have been working on the perfect wallpaper to Alan's computer to show on his birthday. Green has been working on a playlist to play in the background. Yellow has been working on a new game that Alan would like. Blue has been making treats for everyone to enjoy during the party and got Alan's wife on it to make Alan some treats to enjoy. Red has been unsuccessfully been trying to persuade Chosen to join in on the celebration.

With a few last touches, I put up the birthday artwork as the computer's wallpaper. As Green, Yellow, and Blue finished the preparations, I go over to Red to help him in persuading Chosen to join.

"Please, it would mean a lot to Alan if you would just show," I heard Yellow pleading from around the corner. As I came into view of the two, I could see Chosen appeared to be cross with his arms crossed.

"Come on Chosen. I know you don't like Alan," I start with Chosen scoffing at me. "You can just be there for the first few minutes. Alan would be devastated if you chose to insist on staying in the castle he made for you." Chosen looked down at the last part.

"Fine, I'll go to his stupid party." Both Red and I light up at this. I practically drag him by the arm over to the party. Everything looked perfect. Checking the screen, I could see Alan's wife leading Alan with a blindfold over to the computer. We always do it as a surprise, but by now Alan only pretends to be surprised since we are a little too predictable.

Alan smiles as the blindfold is lifted and his wife hands him a plate of treats to enjoy while playing with us. Yellow quickly brings out his game, which Alan immediately plays with all of us, which Chosen reluctantly plays with us. By the end, even Chosen was having fun.

"This was really fun you guys! Thank you!" Alan typed out in paint.

All of us, except Chosen, clapped at his praise. Chosen looked down.

"It's not like you actually care about us." Chosen remarked in his black letters. All of froze at his statment.

"I know I made mistakes in the past, but I do care about all of you." Alan typed out slowly.

"No!" Chosen screamed at Alan. I looked between the two, unsure of what to do. Alan looked unsure of what to do, and Chosen looked like he wanted to wreck the computer just to spite Alan. Before any of could move a muscle, a black stick figure that looked identical to Chosen ran over to Chosen and hugged him.

As the black stick figure let go of Chosen and grabbed the pencil from the paint app, he drew out, "You two need to stop fighting. Chosen, Alan was barely eighteen when he created you. Of course he didn't know what he was doing. He made a mistake. I get it, it's hard to forgive him, but you can never move on if you don't. I'm not asking you to forget or trust him. Just to forgive him."

"Why? What do you know?" Chosen yelled at the unknown stick figure. The stick figure simply erased his words and started writing new ones.

"My name is Victim. Alan created me a years before you. He thought he deleted me, but failed. I only reveled myself a couple days ago to him. I know he has changed from the stupid kid that created us. He loves Second and you." He finished writing before nodding to Alan.

Chosen looked star struck. Victim simply walked away and into the shadows of the screen that none of us ever really pay attention to. All of us turned our attention to Chosen, expecting him to be angry. Instead he appeared solemn.

"Whatever," Chosen scoffed before running to his castle.

"It's okay. The fact he is still here is progress. I know it would take a long time to forgive me, and I am willing to do the work and the time. Have fun. I'm going to spend some time with my wife and daughter." Alan typed before leaving to go upstairs.

"Well, that was interesting." Red remarked. All of us sighed at him.

"Honestly, I did not expect that, but it makes sense." Blue thought out loud. Looking at them all, I begin to understand why Alan reacted to us messing with the computer when he first saw us. He messed up with the first few, and began to only expect destruction with stick figures. I guess I can only hope that Chosen will one day understand how different Alan is from the one that enslaved him all those years ago.

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