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~The Chosen One's POV~

Staring at the other side of the screen, I sigh in annoyance. Once again, Alan and Second are trying to do an all-nighter animating. At first, I thought Alan was forcing Second to work with no break. Then I realized how much fun Second was having, but stayed mad at Alan for not caring about Second's help. Now, I realize I'm probably more mature than both of them combined, so they probably are just getting carried away.

Marching over to the other computer, where they were, I quickly saved their work and closed out of the software. Immediately, both of them started whining like children.

"It is two in the morning! Go to bed you two!" I yelled at both of them, using my text to yell at Alan. Before Second could start protesting, I dragged him to his room while ignoring Alan.

"I don't want to go to bed," Second whined at me as I tucked him into bed. At these times, he looked so small and fragile. Giving him a small peck on the forehead, I told him goodnight and to stay in bed.

Looking back at the screen, I could see Alan looking down in disappointment. Honestly, he acts like such a toddler. He can be worse than Second at times.

"Can I work just a little bit more." Alan typed, giving me a puppy dog look. Sighing, I shake my head and point away from the computer.

"Bed. Now." I say through my letters. His shoulders slump down in defeat. I almost smile in triumph, until he doesn't get up. "What now?" I ask him.

"What if something happens while I'm gone? Or if Dark attacks again? What of virabot comes back?" he types quickly, almost in fear. Thinking, I realized he has been staying much longer than he usually does. Could he be scared of losing us?

"Nothing is going to happen." I try to reassure him. That just seems to make him more panicked.

"I'll be quiet, I just want to make sure you guys are safe." Alan types out. Shaking my head, I can seem him start to cry.

"Look, I get it. Things have not been the greatest. The virabot attack and Dark kidnapping Red. Plus all the 'adventures' Second and the others had that nearly ended badly. But I promise you that we will all be here in the morning." I sincerely tell him, beginning to realize maybe I am starting to forgive him at last. He wipes some tears away as he types out a simple good night and leaves.

Sighing, I head back to my castle to get a few hours of sleep, before the others wake me up at ungodly hours in the morning. Maybe, Alan and I can have a small talk about the past and finally move on. That would be nice.

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