Animation vs Among Us

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~Second's POV~

"Hey, guys! Check this out!" I call out as I noticed a new game on the computer. Alan must have installed it. Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green ran over.

"Cool, let's check this new game out!" Green exclaimed with excitement. Everyone nodded. As we touched the new game, something weird happened. A flash and I saw myself alone surrounded by black. Looking up, I see red letters spelling "IMPOSTER".

As the lights came back, I saw all of us around a table. I tried to talk to them, but we couldn't. I realized I had some buttons. One said to kill and another said sabotage. The others split. I tried to press the button, but couldn't. Slowly my vision faded.

~Imposter's POV~

As I took over the orange stick figure, I couldn't help but grin. This was gonna be fun. I ran over to the reactor. Seeing Blue alone, I shot him quickly and pressed the sabotage button for o2. As I ran to o2, the report button got called. As we appeared at the table, I asked them where the body was.

"In the reactor, I think. Someone killed Blue." Green started to sob.

"Did you see anyone?" I asked nicely.

"What? Are you saying someone killed Blue?"

"Well, there is an imposter. We just need to find them and we win."\

"Who would do such a thing?" Red gasped. Shrugging I asked if we should skip. They all agreed. I went immediately to electrical. As I arrived, I saw Red and Green. As Red left, I closed the doors and killed Green. Venting to med, I wandered around, waiting for my cooldown to finish.

"This is going to be easy." As I walked into admin, I killed Yellow, only for Red to come in as I vented away. Within seconds, my victory came across the screen. I left the stick figure's body to get ready for the next game.

~Second's POV~

I gasped as we were spat back onto the desktop. I could feel the others glaring at me.

"Why did you kill us?" Yellow yelled at me.

"Explain yourself!" Blue joined.

"It wasn't me." I tried to explain, but everyone except Red stormed off. Collapsing, I started to cry.

"Hey, what happened?" Red asked as he knelt down.

"I don't know. I was only in the game for a second, then something took over. The next thing, I knew we were spat out of the game with everyone mad at me. Red looked me over before pulling me into a hug.

"There was an imposter. It must have taken you over. It killed the others. Only I wasn't killed." Red explained. I nodded along. "I'll go tell the others what really happened," Red stated before running off. As I waited, Alan came over. As he asked what was wrong, I explained what happened with the new game. He looked shocked.

The others ran in and quickly pulled me into a group hug. While we hugged, I could see Alan delete the game.

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