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In my AU there are 8 Sanses in 'The Bad Sanses' and these 8 Sanses are:

Nightmare - Leader
Error - 2nd hand man
Cross - Spy (but in the story he quit.)
Killer - Brains (cuz he da smartest.)
Dust - Eyes. He basically guards the outside of the castle to make sure no one gets in.
Horror - Chef. But never let him cook alone. Disaster happens
Fell - Kinda the healer but has limitations.
SwapFell - In charge of the Torture Chamber. For obvious reasons.

Ocassionaly Vile or Corrosive Sans. He da actual healer.

Also I wanted to thank you for the votes and supportive comments! And thanks for reading the book! 💜

Also, should I make a part 2 of de Christmas Special?



Motivation just went: 📉

At 2:00 PM everyone was sitting in the Meeting Room waiting for someone to break the silence.

I was sitting next to Killer and Amy.

Amy was getting a bit irritated.

"OKAY! Enough with the silence, it's unbearable! Night, just tell Epic what he has to do!"
Everyone looked shocked at this. Appearantly Amy was never usually the one to break the silence first. They told me it'd usualy be Cross to break the silence whenever the have meetings. Looks like she just misses her goofy older brother figure.

"Ight. So... Since our only spy has quit... Epic is the second-best option." I think I know where this is going...

"Epic, since the Star (Yeets) trust you, I want you to get information about them and bring them to us. Since it's your first time, you can choose when you wanna do it and IF you wanna do it. Just know that if you don't do it, we will never fully trust you." I nod.

"I wanna do it. But not now."
I told him. He nods.

"Well, I guess that's all. You can go Epic. The rest stay here."
I nod then get up. I exit the meeting room and head to my room. I sat on my bed, mentally asking myself 'What now?'

I should go see Cross. And get some information in advance so that I can just decide when to tell everyone. I got up and took my phone...

I forgot I can't teleport...
I (YEETING) hate this stupid anti-teleportation sheild.

I walk all the way to the exit and finally teleport to my house when I'm out of the sheild's range.
(Sorry bad English)

As soon as I go inside the house I grab my phone and call Cross. I told asked him where he is and he told me he was with Dream.
I inwardly growl at that.
Then I ask him what AU.
He said the SS Base.

So yeah, I didn't know where that was. And I can't teleport in cause of the first fact. So he said he would come to my house and quickly teleport me to the Star Sans' Base.

When Cross finally got to my house and teleported me to their Base.

He told me which AU this was and we knocked on the door of the house.

A certain yellow skeleton opened the door and then told us to come in.

After a while

Me, Cross, and the Star Sanses just talked about how "great" life is. I also got a lot of info. But it was painful to just stand here and smile and talk while my crush was being all lovey-dovey with his boyfriend.

Besides, the conversation was so boring I had to fight to keep my eyes open for the majority of it.
So I excused myself from the conversation and went to find the bathroom.

I finally found it and washed my face. My heart ached and I was having a migrane.

I felt like a walking corpse.

I don't know how to explain it.
I just do.

My legs were unoticably wobbly.
It was very hard to walk right now.

I felt hot tears sting my face.
Why was I crying?
I had no reason to.
What is wrong with me?
Why can't I just be normal?
Why is life so cruel to me?
Why do I have to feel these things?

Then I suddenly heard someone open the door.

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now