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All swear words will be consored by (YEET) from now on. All chaps will be Epic's POV unless said otherwise. Idk why I wrote this chapter. I just wanted to.

Killer yelled. Trying to run away from his opponent. They just readied an arrow.

"(YEET)! GUYS HELP ME!!!!" He yelled again. Scared as ever.

"Hold on bud. Ack-!" Dust yelled back at him, struggling to fight his own opponent. They shoot a ball of blue magic at them.
"(YEET).." He mutters. He barely dodges but succeeds.

Killer was at 6hp.
His opponent released the arrow and Killer braced himself for the impact.

"First Blood!"
"You have slain an enemy!"
"An ally has been slain.."
"You have been slain.."

Various sounds like that echoed through everyone's computer.

Shiro was laughing like a maniac as the screen on Killer's computer turned black and white.
"I can't believe I actually got you!" Shiro says between laughs.

"DAMN IT! Dust you said you'd help meeeeee!!!" Killer whined.

"I'm sorry, okay? Stop distracting me or I'll die too!" He yelled.

I laugh at the exchange of the two best friends. We were in the 'Gaming' room, playing LOL or League of Legends. Error suggested it right after we woke up and ate breakfast.

The teams were:

Team 1

SwapFell/ Evelynn

Team 2

Killer/Miss Fortune
Horror/Master Yi

"You have been slain.."
"You have slain an enemy!"
"An ally has been slain.."

"(YEET)! Amy how are you so good at this?????" Dust yells.

"I'm not! I'm better when I'm using mobile, not gonna lie. You just suck at this game."

I laugh at what Amy just said.

"Hey, can you all PLEASE help me kill the Baron Nashor thing?" SwapFell asks.

"Hey! That's my job!" Horror yells.

"Its our jobs to kill the Jungle Monsters but you're just letting me kill all of them first."

"I was lazy."

While that was happening I typed
'Lez go kill that son of a (yeet)'
The responses were:
'Be right there.'
'Hold on'

Soon enough, the whole team were surrounding the Nashor and attacking it.



The voice echoed through my teams' computers. I threw my arms in the air.
"Woo!" I celebrated.
Amy laughed.
"Okay GG. So... What do we do now?"

"Well actually I need to meet you guys in the meeting room." Nightmare told us.

"It regards Epic's first mission." He continued.

"Already? But he just joined."

"Well, he has to prove that he is willing to do anything for the gang. Just like the rest of us. So, meet us in the Meeting Room in 2:00 PM." I nod.

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now