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Hope you have a good pride month.

Just remember, no matter what, we are all human. No matter what your sexuality, race, gender, you are loved.

Name one person that loves you?


I love all of you.

-Asexual Writer 💜💗

I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV. I was bored. As. Hell.

"Hey dude." Amy says as she sat next to me.

"Hey." I greet her back.

"Happy Pride Month." I say. She nods. Strange. Knowing her, she'd hug and thank me. "You're asexual right?" I ask her. She nods again. "And you're gay?" She asks. "No, I'm Omnisexual." I tell her. "That is awesome." She smiles.

Then there was silence.

Unbearable silence.

"OKEP! What's going on? Why are you so quiet?" I yell then ask her.

She sighs.

1 second later...

"Ghostbur's gone! Tommy's a pain! Sam sucks and Dream's as bad as ever!" She yells as I pat her back. "Yeah, let it all out..." I say, despite having no freakin idea what she's talking about

(She's mad at the characters. Not the content creaters. So am I ngl)

"Ghostburs GONE." Now she sounded like she was crying. Now I was very nervous. "Okay, Amy, calm down. He'll be back! Probably..." I say, unsure. "No! He's dead! Because of Dream!" She yells again. I literally have no idea what the hell she's talking about.

After a few minutes she calmed down a little. She kept talking about a ghost or something.

Then an unknown skeleton came into the living room. He had purple eyes and a black hoodie. "Amy, we need to go to your eye checkup." He said. Wait... He sounded like Night... Hold up-

"I already told you, my eyes are perfectly fine!" She yells at him. "Well, we aren't sure about that." She stuck out her tongue at him and crossed her arms. "Screw you, mOM. I don't need to go to that stupid check up." Night looked mad. Like, the face your mom would give you when she's pissed. "Well, you are going. Wether you like it or not." He then used his magic to levitate her. "Nuuuu! I don't wanna! Everyone'll start calling me 'four eyes'!" She yelled as she was lifted in the air. They exited the living room, probably to go to an eye doctor.

Then Killer sat next to me and I asked "What happened?" He was drinking a slushie which gave me JD vibes.

Merciless psychopath + depression + slushies? Sounds like Jason Dean to me.

"What happened to get her to cry or what happened that resulted in a visit to an eye doctor?" "Both." He put his slushie on the table in front of us and said "Well, she's upset with this minecraft roleplay called 'Dream SMP'. And her favorite ghost died recently and she's upset." I respond with a little "Oh." I was still really confused but I think I get some of it.

"And the eye doctor?" I ask. "Welp, we noticed that everytime we have a meeting and Night's using a whiteboard to explain something, she always squints. So we suspected that something's wrong with her eyes. So Night's going out in that form to keep them from getting recognized." He explained.

"Who do 'ya bet will call he 'four eyes' first?" I ask him with a grin. "Dust, probably." He says. "Yeah? I bet Horror." I say. "Whoever wins this bet gets bragging rights!" I tell him. He laughed and said "Deal." And he continued to slurp his slushie.


(This was actually me when I got my glasses last week)

"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate THIS!" We hear a chorus of 'I hate this' being repeated outside of the living room. As the door burst open we heard someone say "Did you really have to say that 14 times?" That was Night. And Amy replied with "Yes. For the meme." Night rolled his eyes.

Then we saw her face. Her eyes had lavender glasses on them. With little star designs.

"Hello, Amethyst." I greet her as she sits down. I was about to tease her when she said "Don't. Even. Think about it." She warns me. I kept my mouth shut. Then Horror and Dust showed up. "Hey, four eyes." Horror greeted her. I grin at Killer and he rolls his eyes.

Then before we could blink, Horror was soaked in water. "What the fu-" "Okay, I deserve that." He admits. The rest of them laugh while I was confused as hell. I turn to Killer and ask him "How?" And he answers "Amy has water powers. Forgot to tell you." "Oh."

"Also, happy Pride Month to all of you." Amy says. "Yeah!" Then the living room door opens and reveals a blue haired girl. "Hello." "Uh oh, it's the Jojo Stan." Amy teases. "Oh shut up. Hey bruh." She waves at me. I wave back.

"Shiro, how does it feel being the only straight person here?" Amy asked. She wasn't mocking Shiro, she was genuinly curious what it felt like. Shiro shrugged "Pretty cool, actually. Feels like I'm unique." Amy hugs Shiro. "We're all unique in our own ways." We all laugh. "I like it when your nice, Amy." Dust said "Yeah it feels rare." Horror adds. "Screw ya'll." Amy said and held up a middle finger at the two.

"Also, Amy, aren't you straight?" Shiro asked Amy. "Yeah, but I'm Asexual too." She says. "As much as I hate to admit it, I care about all you dimwits no matter what. The only thing that can make me hate all you is betrayal." She tells us. "Aww." I say.

Now all of the gang was around the sofa that we were sitting on. "Hey, Night, don't 'ya think we should have a motto?" She asks Night, who was now in his goopy octopus form. "I suppose. What do you suggest?" Amy groaned "Again with the formal accent and wording. You sound weirddddd. That eye doctor visit was so awkward." She facepalmed.

Night rolled his eyes and said "Whatever. Back to the original subject. A motto. Any suggestions?" He asked. Amy perked up and said "Oh right! I have one!" She looked excited. "Really?" "Yeah! Sic Semper Tyrannis!"

Everyone, except Killer, looked confused. "The hell does that mean?" Fell asked. Killer opened his mouth and started talking "Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning 'thus always to tyrants'. It suggests that bad, but just outcomes should, or eventually will, befall tyrants." Everyone nodded. "Okay smartass." Horror laughed. "Didn't know you were pro anarchy, Amy." Dust ssaid. "I always was, idiot."

"It's perfect. Our new motto."

"Sic Semper Tyrannis."

Words: 1150

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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