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Since you all asked so nicely, here it is! And thanks for all the votes and support guys you are all amazing! :DD

Also sorry if this chapter is boring. I currently have no ideas right now.

Amy's POV

(After the escape)

I was sitting on the bed in my room. Doing absolutely nothing but thinking. Earlier this morning we had to save Epic and Killer from the Star Craps... And my brother... I always wanted an older sibling. Probably not a sister. Maybe a brother... He was the closest I got to an older sibling and he abandoned me. And people ask why I hate the word 'love'.

(Das what my room looks like in de story minus the windows

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(Das what my room looks like in de story minus the windows.)

I decided I wanted to write a poem. I haven't done that in a while, so why the hell not??? With the snap of my hand my diary and a pencil appeared out of thin air. I kept it somewhere safe so no one could get it. And only I can make it appear out of nowhere. I thought about what to write when I remembered that one song from Steven Universe. 'Here Comes a Thought'. I wanted this poem to be inspired by the song. And it's been a while since I've seen Steven Universe. I still can't get over the ending. I lied on my stomach and put the notebook in front of me. When the pencil started writing the title I had a clear idea of what the poem symbolized.

(Not all poems have to rhyme. And btw I wrote this poem so if its bad, you don't need to tell me I already know.)

The Butterfly

It happened when I was sitting in a clearing leaning on a tree.
Doing absolutely nothing.
Then suddenly, a butterfly sat on my hair.
The said butterfly bothered me for some reason.

I tried to make it go away but it just didn't.
Other buttetflies flew by, but they left as soon as they came.
This specific one stayed.
And that bothered me.

I got so angry that I wanted to scream at it.
Shout at it.
Show it how much I hate it.
Show it how much it irritated me that it randomly chose to come here and annoy me.
But I couldn't.
People walking by would stare and think I'm crazy.

So I just sat there.
And hugged my knees.
The butterfly still wouldn't go away.

The longer it stayed, the more upset I got.
Eventually I felt hot tears pour out of my eyes and onto the green grass.
I don't know why this butterfly bothered me so much.

It was at this moment I realised how weak I was.
How a little thing like a butterfly got to me.
How pathetic I was for crying because of a small creature that chose to annoy me.
The butterfly just stared as I sobbed into my knees.
Almost mocking me.

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