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Me: I should update today. I haven't written in a week...

Writer's Block: NOT ON MY WATCH!

Me: ;-;

I realised I'm terrible at writing about character's feelings so, no surprise but, this is trash.

Epic's POV

Having seeing the company I'm with, he stands in shock.

I really messed up this time.

"I... Umm..." I stutter.
He suddenly takes his bow and aims an arrow directly at me.
Killer grabs my wrist but then realised there is no where to run, since Yellow Idiot was standing in front of the door. I can hear him curse under his breath.

"Dream? Whats happening?"
I hear him ask.


He peeks from behind Dream,
He then looks as shocked as his boyfriend was.

He looks betrayed.
He looks hurt.
And it's my fault.
Why does it matter?
Why should I care?
He started it.

He hurt me first.

I just glared.

(At this point, I didn't know what I was doing.)

"Wh-why...?" Before he could say anything else, blue strings broke and shot out of the window, an wrapped around me and Killer.

We were then pulled towards the window, which was big enough for us to slip through.

In the process though, my skull hit the window frame and I was completely knocked out.

I know everyone knows I just knocked him out to end the chap. And I know I haven't updated in a while but don't blame me, blame it.
*points at school*

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now