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Also, this isn't really important to the story-line. Its just a crapost, I guess.. So yeah, u dun hab to read it, lmao. And yeah sorry I didnt update yesterday. I know, I suck. It's short/rushed.

Freed AU - means that Frisk has freed the monsters and hasn't reset.

"GUYS!!!!" I yell out.

We were having another sleepover. Like we did when I first joined the gang.

I yell again.

Everyone groans.
"Please, Epic, be quiet. Some of us have insomnia and didn't get much sleep last night.."
Amy tells me, clearly irritated.

"Okay fiiiine. I guess you don't want presents...." I smirk.
Everyone's heads perk up at this.

"Presents? You got us presents?"
Amy asks.

I nod. Amy groans.
"It better not be a scam, because I will stab you if it is, Epic."

Once everyone was ready we were sitting in the living room. They all held the presents that I got them. We were sitting in a circle in our Christmas attire.

Amy opened hers first.
I got her a Rotating Night Light Galaxy Projector that we both found when we were scrolling through Shoppee the other day. She said she really wanted it and that it was pretty. So I decided to get it for her.

(I actually found this on Shoppee when me and my aunt were scrolling through

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(I actually found this on Shoppee when me and my aunt were scrolling through. I want it IRL. But I broke asf. Sorry for wasting ur time, lmao. Back to de story.)

Her eyes widen.

I laugh.

Shiro opens hers next. It was a Blue Hoodie that me and Error picked out for her.

 It was a Blue Hoodie that me and Error picked out for her

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She thanked me then put it on.

The others opened their gifts too.

After they're done opening their presents we decided to enjoy the day, but in order to do that, we must do some stuff. So, we split into groups.

Shiro, Error, Horror, Fell.

Nightmare, Dust, SwapFell, Amy.

Epic/Me, Killer.

So me and Killer went to a Freed AU to go shopping.

As we went into the mall, some humans were giving us weird looks and death glares. I roll my eyes. Killer looks asif he wants to go on a killing spree. But he ignores them as we shop for the things we need.

After we get out of the shopping area Killer said he needed to go buy something and left. So I was standing there waiting for him to come back.

After a few minutes, a white lady wit blond hair and big hoop earings and a bag walked up to me, your standard Karen. I'm screwed.

(Terrible at doing Karen impressions so sorry.)

"What are you doing here?"
She asks me.

"I'm standing. Obviously."
I say. I really shouldn't irritate her. But I'm irritated. So I'll show it. She gets visibly mad.

"How dare you speak to me like that! I'll have you know that I'm an American you monster!"

"So? Who the (YEET) cares?"
Her eyes widen as she jumbles for words. She turns to a nearby police officer and shouts.

She yells. I sigh. I'm in big trouble now. Can Killer hurry please?

"What are you doing to this poor citizen?" The police officer asks me. I shrug "Nothin'."

"He called me a demon!"
Kare tells him.

"If I called you that, it'd be pretty acurate, but I didn't."

She started yelling at me alot more. I started to get irritated.

"Okay that's enough!"
I hear Killer's voice shout. The Karen is then impaled with numerous bones.
The police officer then ran at us.
Killer grabs my wrist and teleports us.

We were outside the castle. Right, anti-teleportation sheild. Dammit.


We entered the living room.
Everyone was seated already. Turns out they were waiting for us. So we sat down. Amy then stood up, in all her 5 feet glory.
(Ya'll throught you were short. Think again haha!)

She coughed.
"So y'know how we didn't specify what me and my group would b doing?" We nod. "Follow me." Never a good sign. If you are not a friend of Amy's do not. I repeat, DO NOT. Follow her. It's most likely a trap.

She led us to the back of the castle. I saw something red and white and shiny. As we were finally there, I saw that they stole something.

They stole Santa's sleigh.
Even the reindeers we're there.
"What are you waiting for! Let's go!" Amy yells as she hops into the sleigh. I do the same. It was, strangely, comfortable, and had enough room for all of us.

Shiro was the driver. She was, surprisingly, good at it. To make it better. We even went AU hopping on this thing. It was hilarious.

This is just a normal day for the Bad Sanses.

If only Cross was there.

Words: 816

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now