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Imma put myself in this book I that okay? Hope so.
FYI, I call Cross big brother.

Are 'suck' and 'hell' bad words?

After we finish the delicious cookies Cross and Dream left.
I never realised I missed Cross' company. I never realised I had fallen in love with him. But now... He has him. I'm only a friend to him. And that's all I'll ever be.

I opened my phone and scrolled through Undernet. I was bored. I opened my gallery and checked my photos for no reason. I saw all the pictures me and Cross took together while hanging out.

I saw one that we took when we were in a random AU's Snowdin. I didn't bring my hoodie, 'cause it was getting washed. So Cross handed me his floofy hoodie. I was so embarassed. Of course, I gave it back to him afterwards... Purple tears were streaming down my face.

I just want things to go back to the way they were.
When I was happy.
Truly happy for once.

It feels like...
When you finally find your happiness in someone...
The world just snatches that someone away from you, in spite.

I was hopeless before Cross came. But he restored my hope. And now, I'm back to being misersble.

"Holy shi-"
I turn around and look at the pale face in front of me.
"Oh. It's just you... Don't scare me like that again, you lowlife."
Amy fakes an offended gasp.
"How dare you! I was just gonna help you."
"Help me with what?"
"Come with me!"

""Help me with what?""Come with me!"

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She grabs my hand and teleports us.

As soon as she teleported us, she let go of me and started walking. This looks... A tad bit familiar.
"Oi! You gonna follow me or what?" She asks.
"Um.. Sorry." I apologize as I run towards an follow her.

"Heard the news?"
"What news?"
"That big brother quit and started dating Damgu."
By 'big brother' she meant Cross. She always acts like Cross' psychopathic little sister.
And by 'Damgu' she meant Dream. 'Damgu' is Filipino for Dream. She says 'Damgu' 'cause she doesn't want to say the nuiscance's actual name.

"So, how are you taking it?"
She asked.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
I asked back.
"It's obvious you're in love with my brother. It's easy to see that someone is in love when.... You've....... In............"

I didn't quite hear that last part.
I took it as an oppertunity to change the subject.

"When you've what?"
I teased. Her eye widens.
"N-nothing! Stop trying to change the subject. Answer my question." She stuttered on that first part.... Which is sus......

"What question?" I ask
"Oh my goodness! You know what? Forget it!" She yells. I laugh.
"Well, I'm supporting my bruh with his choice... Not like I had a chance with him anyways..."

"Hey." She put a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay.. Don't say you don't have a chance. Because you do. Do you know what Damgu's even like? He's a-"
"Okay, don't."
"Point is... When he breaks my brother's heart, and they break up... You'll always be there for Kuya. He'll realise that and love you for it. You have a big chance dude."
'Kuya' is 'older brother' in Filipino. I smile.
"Thanks Amethyst."

"Anything to make my ship sail."
I blush at that and lightly punch her arm.
"Shut up."
"Uuuuyyyeeeeee!!!! Someone's a Tsun-tsun!"
"Shut uuuuppppp."

After that little laugh, we stayed silent as we walked.

"Also Epic... This is the important thing I have to tell you. Don't. Ever. Waste your nights crying about this. Don't think you're not good enough for my brother. You're his twin flame. Nothing will change that. I know sometimes you wish things would go back to the way the were but... Please... Promise me. You'll never cry yourself to sleep. Promise me."
She says.

"I-I promise. But one question."
"How do you know that?"
"Know what?"
"I know you know what I'm talkin' about."
She sighs.
"Sometimes things are better left unsaid. Besides, you're smart Epic. You'll figure it out soon. Hell, I'm sure you already know."
She tells me.

"Where are we going anyways."
"You haven't realised?"
"No- oh. Why don't we just teleport?"
"I'm not stupid Epic. We put an anti-teleportation sheild. No on can teleport in or out. It honestly sucks."
"Oh... That's kinda smart."


After we're don't walking, which sucked, we're finally at the gate of the Nightmare's enourmous castle. "Password?" A faint voice asked. Amy sighs.

"Hello how are you"

The gates open and we step inside.
"The hell was that?"
"Every week we change the password. We take turns on deciding the password. Guess who's turn that was?"
"I... Honestly don't know... Shiro?"

We then walked to the Meeting Room.
"Heyooooo!" Amy shouts as we enter the room.
"I brought a guest!"
They ready their weapons.

"Eyy eyy eyy. No. None of that. Amy why did you brin Epic here."
"Because he needs love advice. And he hates Damgu now. So he won't go on telling him the password. And if he does tell them.... Well, you promise you won't right bud?" She asked me. Her voice getting softer and more dangerous every word.
"Umm. Yeah. Of course." I said ignoring the first sentence. But the others don't.

"Love advice? Is this about...?"
Amy nods.
"Oh. Sorry Epic. He even betrayed us just to date him-"
Amy punched Dust's arm.
"Ouch, the hell?"
With me standing in front of the door they whispered to eachother. I couldn't hear them. Now everyone in this room, except for me, whisper-argued. Great...

"Hey, you k bruh?" Shiro asks me.

"Hey, you k bruh?" Shiro asks me

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(I didn't do that. Shiro edited that. She be a pro.)
"Yeah, I'm fine. What are they arguing about?"
She shrugged.
They went from whisper-arguing to yelling at each other.
"Okay. This is getting even more irritating..."
Oh no.

Words: 992

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now